This Company Created A Series Of Satirical T-Shirts That Portray Men The Same Way Society Portrays Women

Published 5 years ago

Even in today’s modern society, many people still see men as the stronger sex, despite the fact that in many cases women have it even harder than men. And even when women achieve great goals, their achievements often go undermined. One clothing company decided to combat these stereotypes by releasing series of t-shirts that intentionally portray men the same way society portrays women.

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Image credits: man who has it all

The company in question is called ‘Man Who Has It All’ and they regularly point out ridiculous ways women are treated by imposing the stereotypes on men. “All men! Just a little reminder to smile today because women like to see positive men!” writes the company on their Facebook page. Sounds a little patronizing, doesn’t it?

Image credits: man who has it all

Image credits: man who has it all

The page describes itself as “a satirical page that exposes the absurdity of the patriarchy by turning the tables” and has already gathered nearly 400k followers.

Image credits: man who has it all

Image credits: man who has it all

The author behind ‘Man Who Has It All’ is an anonymous “working dad” who not only creates t-shirt designs but also is an avid writer.

Image credits: man who has it all

In an interview with Bored Panda, Tania Wilson, an Australian business owner and fan of ‘Man Who Has It All’ said she had to endure many condescending comments when building up her own business: “In the beginning, I got comments like ‘shouldn’t you be in the kitchen?’ from men, and often similar things from women too,” said Tania. “The humor and insights of the ‘gender flip’ jokes seem to put my thoughts into words; it clearly shows what many of us have to deal with all the time.”

Image credits: man who has it all

Another fan, Erica from Sweden, says she appreciates the opportunity to play a ‘man’ in the comment section. “The comments I write are all made up of course,” said Erica. “But it’s still the way many men view women. I follow the page because I think it’s great at revealing hidden patterns in society.”

Image credits: man who has it all

“I do think that we are lucky in Sweden though, our society is more equal than most others and I think that in general, Swedish men are well educated in issues of gender equality. It’s partly down to the history of our country,” said Erica. “For a woman, being a ‘housewife’ is not really a part of our culture. For a long time now, most of us have worked for our own living so we are traditionally much less ‘dependent’ on men.”

Image credits: man who has it all

Erica said she relates to many of the comments. “I’m not much for makeup and stuff like that! However, I would never go outside in a pair of shorts without shaved legs.” She says that when it comes to looks, Swedish women don’t differ that much and society still tells them that they have to look good.

Image credits: man who has it all

Sadly, gender inequality is a deeply rooted issue. There’s still a long way to go to get rid of it – and we can only achieve progress by working together.

Image credits: man who has it all

Here are some cases where the ‘Man Who Has It All’ reversed the gender roles

Image credits: manwhohasitall

Image credits: manwhohasitall

Image credits: manwhohasitall

Image credits: manwhohasitall

Image credits: manwhohasitall

The fans really loved the t-shirts!

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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female, gender, male, patriarchy, profession, roles, sexism, stereotypes, tshirts