50 People Who Spotted Mildly Annoying Things And Had To Share Them (New Pics)

Published 5 years ago

You know how there are some things that are just a little off and you can’t quite put your finger on why? Now, we’re not talking about obvious things like late buses or traffic jams – think more like off-centered windows or slightly shifted tiles. Those are the things that can really infuriate you – really mildly infuriate you.

People online are sharing the most mildly infuriating things they’ve come across and some of them will really make your blood boil – at least a little bit. From awkward urinal placement to bizzare fonts, check out all the annoying things people found and just had to share in the gallery below!

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#1 Someone Thought It Would Be Funny To Do This At The Corner Of Every Page Of This Notebook

Image source: asdfghjklsofia

#2 Preth Any Button

Image source: huck002

#3 Well You’re Not Wrong

Image source: BerendjD

#4 It’s Like They Want Me To Have An Aneurysm

Image source: infinityeoc

#5 What The Actual Mother ******* **** Is This *******

Image source: Blake262626

#6 This Neighborhood I Saw On Google Maps Really Hits Me Hard

Image source: zyyye

#7 How The **** Does This Happen?

Image source: huuuhuuu

#8 This Stove

Image source: _A_Pancake_

#9 People Whose Desktops Look Like This

Image source: momoneymomorrison

#10 This Chandelier At A Restaurant I Ate At Bothers Me So Much

Image source: fluffynuff

#11 When You Play The Sims But Forget To Rotate

Image source: orangejuice1234

#12 Okay What The Hell

Image source: RandomRunningRobot

#13 That. One. Pole.

Image source: J_Swan1315

#14 At My Closest Train Station. I Think I Need To Move

Image source: timmah11

#15 Meanwhile In Supermarket

#16 This Teacher Doesn’t Erase The Board Fully And Continues To Use It

Image source: Nemo4200

#17 These Lights

Image source: D3TROIT40oz248

#18 The Way This Pizza Has Been Cut

Image source: nelldog

#19 Just Re-Pave The Damn Road At This Point

Image source: zachwilly

#20 My Grandfather Doesn’t Peel The Plastic Off Of Anything And Won’t Let Me Peel It Off. I’m About To Have A Heart Attack

Image source: technicalidiot

#21 You Had One Job

Image source: ypele

#22 911 – I’d Like To Report A Crime

Image source: quinntoye

#23 My Friend’s New Front Door

Image source: Ollie_Bosh

#24 ON Is Red, OFF Is Green

Image source: TheWorldsCollide

#25 This Building Where Nothing Lines Up

Image source: The_Quantum_Moose

#26 I’m Literally Screaming Inside

Image source: honny78

#27 I Was High In The Road And Was Not Sure If It Was The Weed Or Not So I Took A Picture For Later

Image source: pet_sauce_

#28 Looked Down During My Shower Today. Can’t Unsee It Now

Image source: kingramses51

#29 How These Pipes Were Installed

Image source: Palifaith

#30 Not Only Is The First Light Different, The Last Light’s Fixture Is Upside Down

Image source: lepric

#31 Askew Angles

Image source: sugardoggy

#32 Why Write The ‘S’ Like That? The More I Read It, The More It Mildly Infuriates Me

Image source: Yawheyy

#33 If I Could Not See Them At The Same Time I Would Not Care

Image source: Hache42

#34 I Put The Manhole Cover Back, Boss

Image source: Tombombleron

#35 This Stripe On My Friend’s Car

Image source: nick598

#36 I Am Forced To Look At This Every Time I Get Up

Image source: rwhereemy

#37 Found This In Louisiana

Image source: ctophu

#38 Why Not “Intense Raspberry”?

Image source: lukas_ronnberg

#39 Finished Laying The Bricks, Boss

Image source: TheRealClyde1

#40 The Door On This House

Image source: Greenskeeper37

#41 Why?

Image source: NastyNate675

#42 Do I Even Have To Say Anything

Image source: Negative1Rainbowz

#43 This Apartment Building

Image source: reddit.com

#44 The Way My Mom Watches TV With Things Obscuring The Screen

Image source: eharsh87

#45 Why?

Image source: icant-chooseone

#46 Horrible Cut-Out

Image source: Imnotalreadydeadyet

#47 But How?

Image source: yeetrus1842

#48 Cut It Wrong. I Think They

Image source: Astorphobis

#49 Well Done

Image source: usukablyat

#50 I’m Just Gonna Leave That Here

Image source: ThotExecuter

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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annoying, asymmetrical, Not quite right, ocd, off, pictures, symmetry, uncomfortable