Someone Points Out That Neil Armstrong’s Boot Doesn’t Match The Print On The Moon, So The Internet Destroys Them With Facts

Published 6 years ago

Although almost 50 years have passed since the Moon landing, people are still doubting whether it was real or not. It was no surprise when a new conspiracy, saying that the footprints on the moon didn’t match the ones of the spacesuit, emerged. Thankfully, people on the internet quickly destroyed the Moon landing denier with facts.

What sparked the conspiracy was a photo of the spacesuit worn by Neil Armstrong in Apollo 11. Someone noticed the soles of the spacesuit did not match the pictures of the footprint on the Moon surface. What the conspiracy theorists didn’t know, was that the astronauts wore protective overshoes on their space suits. And furthermore, the footprint in the photograph isn’t even Neil Armstrong’s – it is Buzz Aldrin’s.

The overshoes, along with about 100 other items, like TV lenses and bodily fluids, were left on the moon to save weight. NASA says the footprint on the Moon will be there for a million years since there is no wind to blow it away. So the Moon landing deniers can always go there and check it out for themselves.

Check out the ridiculous conspiracy in the gallery below!


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Recently, a new conspiracy doubting the Moon landing has emerged

Some people were sceptical and decided to check the facts

And they found that Armstrong and other crew members did, in fact, wear the suit in the picture

But they had more gear – like, for example, overshoes with treaded soles

Image credits: NASA photo

Furthermore, the footprint in the photograph isn’t even Neil Armstrong’s – it is Buzz Aldrin’s

The overshoes were meant to protect the spacesuits from rips, tears, and dust

Image credits: o0Tektite0o

A last-minute X-ray was taken to check if there was anything inside the overshoe that could compromise the integrity of the spacesuit

The distinctive footprints left by the boots can be seen in many other pictures from the mission

The Moon landing deniers can always go there and check out the footprints for themselves

“The first footprints on the Moon will be there for a million years. There is no wind to blow them away” said NASA

Image credits: NASA / Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.

You may ask “Why aren’t the overshoes at the museum with the rest of the gear?”

The answer is, the overshoes, along with about 100 other items, like TV lenses and bodily fluids, were left on the moon to save weight

People found this ridiculous conspiracy theory to be amusing

Image credits: FuriousDShow

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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apollo 11, apollo 11 conspiracy theory, buzz aldrin, lunar footprint mystery, lunar footprints, moon landing conspiracy theory, neil armstrong