30 “Humble Braggers” Who Got Shamed Online For Their Ridiculous Posts

Published 3 years ago

Here’s a quick reality check – as tempted as you might be, you don’t need to announce every good deed you do out loud. And despite braggers being almost universally disliked, some people still can’t resist the urge to brag about their wealth or achievements, ending up looking like complete fools in the end.

Despite braggers being one of the most annoying people there are, you have to agree that sometimes it’s pretty funny to see their miserable attempts at being humble while boasting about their latest purchase. And lucky for us, there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to these “humble brags”. Check out some cringy examples of people trying to appear humble and failing miserably in the gallery below!

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#1 Ah Yes

Image source: reddit.com

#2 Very Pretty Girl Btw

Image source: reddit.com

#3 Saw This In My Feed And Felt It Belonged Here

Image source: reddit.com

#4 If Only There Were A Way To Prevent This From Happening

Image source: reddit.com

#5 Loves His Niece

Image source: reddit.com

#6 These People Are Cancer

Image source: reddit.com

#7 I Laughed More Than I Should’ve

Image source: reddit.com

#8 Mum’s Stretching The Truth

Image source: reddit.com

#9 Woman Got Called Out In A Facebook Group For Humblebragging About Paying For Someone’s Burger And Fries

Image source: reddit.com

#10 Such Grace. Such Restraint

Image source: reddit.com

#11 Subtle

Image source: reddit.com

#12 Ughhh, Im Sooeee Bad At Drawing

Image source: reddit.com

#13 This Guy Has Too Many Friends

Image source: reddit.com

#14 So Embarrassing

Image source: reddit.com

#15 Bible Belt Humblebrag

Image source: reddit.com

#16 A Humblebrag Of The Finest Quality

Image source: reddit.com

#17 Poor Guy

Image source: reddit.com

#18 This Is The Very Definition Of Humble Brag

Image source: reddit.com

#19 It’s So Annoying, Especially Because It’s Daily

Image source: reddit.com

#20 She Made Up A Story In Order To Flex

Image source: reddit.com

#21 Everybody Wants To Do Me Lmao!

Image source: reddit.com

#22 You Lose Touch So Fast

Image source: reddit.com

#23 Good On You For Being Fluent In 4 Languages

Image source: reddit.com

#24 University Is So Wierd

Image source: 2 years ago

#25 ” Just A Kid In My Bedroom” Who Is Actually A God

Image source: reddit.com

#26 Self Explanatory

Image source: reddit.com

#27 Humblebrag

Image source: reddit.com

#28 How Would I Know?

Image source: reddit.com

#29 *my Wife- That’s Amazing

Image source: reddit.com

#30 Girl I Went To School With Always Posts Dumb Things Like This

Image source: reddit.com

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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annoying people, bragging, fails, Humble brag