Pilot’s Dangerous Mid-Flight Selfies Go Viral, But Turns Out They’re Not As Risky As Many Thought

Published 7 years ago

We’ve covered some of the most insanely dangerous selfies before, but Brazillian pilot Daniel Centeno has taken it to the new heights… or did he really?

What at first glance might seem as the craziest selfies ever made, are actually composites of multiple images stitched into one by Daniel himself. He uses Photoshop to create these extreme shots instead of actually opening windows in passenger planes mid-flight.

And it’s not some trick he’s trying to pull off on his Instagram followers, he’s open about the pics being fake: “Photoshop mode ON,” he says next to one of his posts. And he doesn’t mind leaving some telling details in them, like his hair ignoring high winds or runway reflections on his sunglasses.

Fake or not, these sure will cheer you up, and maybe even give you ideas on how to step up your Instagram game!

More info: instagram (h/t: mashable, boredpanda)

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Over 62K people are following Daniel Centeno’s  crazy Instagram feed, full of mid-air selfies

(Un)fortunately, they’re fake, as people were able to find the same cloudy background just without the plane

Image credits: Snopes

Daniel even says so in the captions: “Photoshop mode ON”

Yet somehow the media and people are still confused

And there are some who believe the selfies are real

Even though the evidence is overwhelming


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With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

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Daniel Centeno, fake cockpit selfies, fake pilot selfies, fake pilot snaps, fake plane selfies, pilotganso