30 Times People Tried To Deliver A Message And Failed Miserably

Published 3 years ago

Just because something sounds good in your own head, doesn’t mean the other person will see it that way. That’s why it’s extremely important to really think your idea through – or else it might go completely misunderstood. And to really drive the point home, today we’ve prepared you some hilariously bad examples of people failing to deliver their message.

People over at the r/Don’tDeadOpenInside are sharing examples of people not fully thinking their ideas through, and it’s pretty amazing to see how a few poorly placed words or letter can completely change the meaning of the message. Check out some funny examples in the gallery below!

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#1 Jesus Scares

Image source: Comet_Dawn

#2 This Is Actually Pretty Clever

Image source: Praninggerzi

#3 5 Extremely Slow Children Playing

Image source: dontdeadopeninside

#4 Will There Be Blood Or Not!?

Image source: manby

#5 Well That Seems Unfair

Image source: Greasfire11

#6 Doesn’t Sound Like Fun

Image source: Reddituser4678213

#7 Shosple Colupis

Image source: caiia_

#8 Don’t Save A Life Be Afraid To Give Blood

Image source: dontdeadopeninside

#9 Choose Abortion Life Kills

Image source: StrongbowPowers

#10 Spread Cream Not Cheese Disease

Image source: JonyIveAces

#11 Aliectass

Image source: _awwsmm

#12 The State Of Washi Wangton

Image source: morecatslesspeople

#13 Guaranteed Reduced Quality

Image source: Maqwheel

#14 7 Surprising Black Ways To Use Beans

Image source: maximum_chungus

#15 Stand Hong With Kong

Image source: pedrojalapa

#16 Jesus Are Is Coming You Back Ready?

Image source: porkstick

#17 Always Forgotten – Missed Never

Image source: cdsackett

#18 Stolen From My Friends Snap Story

Image source: long-time-lurker-

#19 I Am Dond

Image source: bestgrandson

#20 Dip Dip

Image source: JimMorrisonsPetFrog

#21 Well If You Insist

Image source: Mad_Mark90

#22 If You Were In A Car, Would You Know What Accident To Do?

Image source: MrGrampton

#23 Saw This At Work Today And Immediately Thought Of This Sub

Image source: rdeddit

#24 Stop Earth The Denying Is Dying!

Image source: SoddingOpossum

#25 Drug Is The Free Key

Image source: BenTechLabs

#26 Don’t Go Kill Vegan

Image source: KeLo2510

#27 This Is A F**king Massacre. Thing Made Me Want To Dead

Image source: reddit.com

#28 Friend Of A Friend Got A New Tattoo

Image source: drewwhis

#29 Was There Even An Intended Order To Begin With?

Image source: plsiwanttosleep

#30 My Hometown Parade. Dear God

Image source: Farnhza

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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funny, poorly worded messages, poorly worded signs