Members Of This Online Group Are Mocking Men For Their Ridiculous Description Of Female Bodies, Here Are The Best 20 Of These Descriptions

Published 2 years ago

Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. It allows me to travel and discover places without ever moving. I just love getting lost while imagining the thought of being on the sandy beaches of San Francisco, gazing over the bright orange hue of the sunset as the sky above it turns blue, then darker and darker until it completely fades to black tattered with white glimmering dots.

Descriptive language like that are very entertaining, but we’re not going to talk about those descriptions today. Instead, we’ll be talking about the dark side of descriptive language: female bodies according to male authors. We went to the Reddit community “MenWritingWomen” to bring you this absurd collection of how far off male authors would describe their female characters. So prepare your forehead for some facepalm and your lower jaw for some chuckling.

Reading isn’t your cup of tea? Check out our previous post. It’s about the same, but for paintings.

More info: Reddit

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#1 I Know It Isn’t Sunday But I Have Zero Patience Or Memory

Image source: confused_dinosaur

#2 Don’t Your Boobs Roll Like Your Eyes? [ It’s Kind Of A Funny Story- Ned Vizzini]

Image source: dissociated97

#3 Reading George R R Martin

Image source: sorrow_tv

#4 Sorry If This Is A Repost

Image source: draw_gregory

#5 I Know This Is Satire But I Really Wouldn’t Put It Past Some Of The Authors We See On Here

Image source: happymaz

#6 Of Course, We Don’t Get Real Pockets In Our Pants Because We Have Tiny Purses In Our Vaginas!

Image source: EnvironmentalRoof629

#7 Ovaries Just Shooting Around All Willy-Nilly, Controlling Our Decisions. Thanks Michael Robotham, Very Cool. From “When You Were Mine”

Image source: nonoglorificus

#8 Sir Please, I’m Just Trying To Do My Job

Image source: crownjuul

#9 I’m Looking At You Stephen King, You Big Virgin

Image source: Yamper33

#10 Hardly A Coincidence

Image source: clhubes

#11 “I Adorbs High Heels” – Goran Parlov

Image source: KoffingKitten

#12 Mission Completed

Image source: HoneylemonFrog

#13 Haven’t You Ever Shut Your Vagina In Rage? Ways Of Going Home By Alejandro Zambra

Image source: Phrophetsam

#14 Tumblr Already Knows

Image source: Dramatic-Ad-3817

#15 Golden Skin Shimmering In The Summer Sun

Image source: Car_Washed

#16 I… Have No Words

Image source: moonchild4eva

#17 Curious What It Looked Like When She Walked In

Image source: KurtUrgent

#18 After Venturing Back And Forth Through This Subreddit, I’d Say This One Isn’t Exactly Surprising

Image source: moonchild4eva

#19 Sarcasm And Accuracy Ftw

Image source: Tortoise_Symposium

#20 Behold, My Brother’s Twitter

Image source: bigcheesebebbs

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authors, female body, literature, male authors, men writing women, reddit, ridiculous descriptions, women, women anatomy