40 Of The Most Relatable Parenting Memes From This Insta Page

Published 9 months ago

Parenting is a thankless job which often only other parents can relate to. From dealing with precocious toddlers who think they know it all, to teenagers with more attitude than a spoilt child star, the “Check your kids at the door” Instagram page shares the funniest parenting memes.

 If you have kids, this hilarious collection is incredibly relatable as all parents go through similar ups and downs when raising kids. If you don’t have kids this collection may reinforce your decision to stay free of the chaos kids inevitably bring to their parents’ lives. 

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Image source: stupidoldandy

Mike F:  It’s gotta be with 2 g’s ie, skin dogg.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Mike F: A fitting end


Image source: HenpeckedHal

Travelling Stranger: IMO HenpeckedHal has the best tweets in the parenting/family category, if you aren’t on ElonX, you can follow the account on the zuckphotoapp


Image source: LouisatheLast


Image source: iamchrisscott

Y H: Looking at you Nick.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

sunnxflowerr.zip: i’ll be seeing this in my nightmares tonight


Image source: Cafeinated_Dad


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: MightySigurd


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: AdvanceBase


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Crazy Person: My dad will always get like one gift and my step mom will get all the others. But the gift my dad will get will be like a million dollars so that new doll or makeup bag mom bought you? Useless. Those new Jordan’s though? Best gift ever


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

C W: Aw. RIP Andre Braugher.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Santrikea: Or husband.


Image source: atpburke

Jo Maxwell: Best dad joke ever


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Terry Tobias: An opportunity has been missed.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Mark: That is an expression that I have never heard before… but I love it


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Grace Marie: And the next search is ‘how to hide a body’


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: ASFleischman

Javelina Poppers: As a kid, the garden hose was my hydration source.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

OogieBoogie: Says the country that calls crisps ‘Chips’ and calls chips ‘Fries’ !


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Denise Aitchison: As long as he looks like Jason Mamoa.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Alex Boyd: That baby was cute, though. With the big eyes and everything.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Javelina Poppers: You are required to have a license to drive a car, having kids?…………….zip, zero, none, nada required.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

panther: I regularly refer to Home Depot as the toy store, so yes, lets go.


Image source: EleanorMargolis

JayWantsACat (edited): We also call something in perfect condition “mint condition” for a reason. lmao (yes, I know it actually means it come straight from a mint… relax.)


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Snowy Ashton: I’m not the one with a stove that could blow you up or poison you in your sleep.


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor


Image source: checkyourkidsatthedoor

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



"Instagram Planner App ", accurate, check your kids at the door, funny, instagram, memes, parenting