Guy Proposes To His Girlfriend In Every Photo They Take For Months And She Has No Clue

Published 9 years ago

There little space for stealth in marriage proposals, but this guy is the sneakiest of them all. Ray Smith, 38, used his ninja reflexes to sneak marriage proposals into every picture with his pregnant girlfriend Claire Bramley, 33. That’s 148 pictures, each with a tiny proposal card. This Grumsby, UK guy is the most romantic fish delivery driver of all time!

“I searched online for unusual proposals and I saw ideas like flash mobs and that sort of thing,” Smith told Metro. “So I decided to come up with my own idea to take a picture every day for five months.” Claire’s response? “I was totally surprised, but in hindsight it’s exactly the kind of thing he does…I said yes straight away, I didn’t need to think about it.”

More info: (h/t: boredpandametro)

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“I originally thought about popping the question in a hot air balloon,” said Ray


“I have been planning to propose for a while and I knew I wanted to do something romantic”


“In June we received some great news that Claire was expecting a baby, which put a stop to that plan”


“I decided to come up with my own idea to take a picture every day for five months”


“I told her I was taking the pictures to track the progress of the baby”


“Sometimes she wanted to see the pictures so I had to take more than one – one with the card and one without”


“I had no clue, I was totally oblivious to it all,” said Claire


“He told me he was taking the pictures to create memories for the baby so I just let him get on with it”


“It was really stressful putting it all together, it took a lot of hard work. She nearly caught me a couple of times but I just had to pray it worked”


“He likes to do romantic things”


Ray likes living on the edge, as he even teased his girlfriend about the proposal:


“I actually started teasing her saying 2016 is a leap year, and she should actually propose to me”


Finally, it all came to a head on Christmas:


“It was all a bit chaotic on Christmas Day morning so I took her away and set it all up on the laptop. I got down on one knee and gave her a bit of spiel, and then popped the question”


You can also watch a video on the sneakily romantic couple below:

Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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claire bramley, marriage, marriage proposal, proposal, ray smith, relationships, secret proposal, selfie, wedding proposal, weddings, will you marr