Slovakian Beauty with Half Face

Published 8 years ago

Ivanka Danisová is 30 years old and she is actually a lawyer. She was born with a disease that gave her an unusual appearance. This disease brought lots of mockery from the kids around in her childhood. But the girl grew up into a strong and confident woman. Very soon she is expecting for the final plastic surgery that promises to give the girl “standard” face after all.

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For the whole life up until today Ivanka has been covering her defect with the long hair trying to avoid curious looks from the strangers. Though local doctors did not advise her doing so, today the famous lawyer resolved to the complex surgery in the US.

Being born in Slovakia, this young lady got her degree in England. In less than a month she flies to Chicago to her last surgery that hopefully will let the young woman lead a usual life.

The girl was diagnosed very early and most doctors didn’t believe should would survive for long at all. Buttodaythisbeautifulyounglady put haters’ noses out of joint and with the help of makeup artists proved to the whole world that she is beautiful and nothing can change it!

If you’d like to contact Ivanka or look for more pictures, feel free to join her on Instagram or Facebook.













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fashion, Ivanka Danisová, photography