20 Strange And Dark Secrets That People Online Revealed About Their Families

Published 3 years ago

Most people have some embarrassing moments or deep dark secrets that they don’t prefer sharing with anyone. However, if you live closely with the members of your family, it might get difficult to keep mum about certain things for a long time.

Sometimes people manage to keep secrets from their close ones, but there comes a time when those secrets get all spilled out. A Redditor, u/AbsoluteHavoc asked people, “What family secret was finally spilled in your family?”, and people started revealing the most strange, funny, and dark secrets that were locked within the boundaries of their homes for a very long time. Scroll below to read them.

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Image source: MargoJane

“My grandmother had an affair with the gynecologist who delivered my dad. We learned about this after she died when we found some of the letters they exchanged.”


Image source: Picklesgal111

“Found out my uncle is actually my brother. My mom had him when she was young, so my grandparents raised him.”


Image source: Aetra

“My uncle served in Vietnam. While over there, his troop found a baby that had been orphaned or abandoned. My uncle was shipping back to Australia soon and wanted to adopt him, but my aunt said no. My uncle’s troop found a family to raise the baby, and that’s the story the whole family knows. The secret is that my uncle and some other guys from his troop stayed in contact with the family and the kid, sending them money every month to help raise him and then to help him go to university. Eventually they helped him and his adoptive family move to Australia in the late ’90s.”


Image source: voice_of_craisin

“My cousin is actually my sister. Apparently my mom got pregnant really young, and her much older sister adopted my sister and raised her as her own.”


Image source: zombie_tomato

“I started having problems with my teeth. Spontaneous abscess that resulted in multiple root canals. My dentist did some looking into what the cause might be and found some really odd abnormalities with my incisor roots and nerves. When my next appointment came up, he was really quiet for a bit before verbally stumbling about. It turns out that what was happening with my teeth was a classic sign of inbreeding. I brought it up to my mom and she was like, ‘Oh well, yeah, didn’t you know?’ Of course I didn’t know! Turns out that not very far back in the family tree, several of my relatives decided that it was a good idea to get married to one another and no one bothered to mention it.”


Image source: [deleted]

“My grandfather was an atomic soldier. Instead of sending him to fight in the Korean War, they sent him to Nevada, where he witnessed the mushroom cloud. After that was over, he was ordered to march to the detonation point, where he was unwittingly exposed to high amounts of radiation. Luckily for my family, my grandpa is now in his nineties and the rest of us are cancer-free and fairly healthy, but this is medical information that we really should have known earlier!”


Image source: ksromo

“My great-great-grandfather was exiled and banned from Missouri for being a sheep thief.”


Image source: soulfood_7

“The nanny I had when I was younger was actually my dad’s attempted sister-wife.”


Image source: I_see_farts

“My mother is kid number 7 of 10. My aunt, the fourth kid, was born in 1945. She looked at her ancestry and found out that she has a different father from everyone else. She was devastated. There was always a rumor that there was an affair, but nobody talked about it. She has so many questions, but nobody’s alive to answer her.”


Image source: 2leewhohot

“My dad fathered a child in high school. His side of the family knew, as did my mom. We found out, years after he died, that we have a half sister.”


Image source: dont-take-my-soup

“Found out my grandma had a baby as a teenager, and my great-grandparents forced her to give him up for adoption. Forty years later, he found us.”


Image source: Madame_F

“When I was 5 years old (1988), Santa Clause left a Nintendo on our front porch. It was wrapped in newspaper, and my parents had no idea who gifted it to us. My dad, particularly, tried to figure it out. He was always suspicious that it had been a family friend. It was by far the best gift of the year, and we played it all the time throughout our childhood.

My dad died in 2004. Last Christmas, my mom explained that she was the one who had bought it and surreptitiously placed it on the porch. My dad really liked to be in control of things and had forbidden the purchase. She knew better. She didn’t tell a soul for 30 years.”


Image source: beaubandit

“My grandmother recently died. She was famous in our town for her amazing cooking and catering. Notably, her gravy was absolutely amazing. So delicious. She had a heart attack several years ago, and her near-death experience convinced her to share some of her secret recipes with me — all except her gravy recipe. When she died this spring, I was going through her pantry and found an entire bucket of KFC gravy mix. She was literally using KFC gravy mix as a base to make her incredible gravy. Huge scandal.”


Image source: haroldtitus425

“When my paternal grandfather died, the federal government reached out to do a state funeral. He was a colonel, so we didn’t question it. Then the funeral came and they went ALL OUT! Huge procession, people showing up who are really big names, like heads of departments, senators, retired senators, people from the CIA — it was nuts, and we were all super confused. Turns out he was a key dude in the OSI during World War II, and when the OSI splintered into the CIA and Secret Service, he went the Secret Service route. He wasn’t on the White House detail but instead worked in a covert office that dealt with counterfeiting and currency. For whatever reason, he told no one about all his work, and the only person who knew (my grandmother) was sworn to secrecy.”


Image source: DougJHFTB

“My father died when I was 17. During the viewing, a young lady and her boyfriend showed up. She was probably two or three years older than me. Nobody recognized her, so she was asked why she was there; she stated she was there to see her father. My siblings and I were naturally confused; our mom just stood there shaking her head, and my uncles asked her to leave. She left crying in her boyfriend’s arms. Our mother explained that our father had an affair years ago and that was our stepsister. I never heard any more about her, never learned her name, and have never met her. I would like to meet her and apologize for my family. Seeing her rejected and crying because she couldn’t even attend a viewing for her dead father bothers me to this day.”


Image source: ronearc

“My grandma didn’t drive. I thought she couldn’t, but it was just never discussed. One day, no one would take me to the store. Finally I said I’d just ask Grandma, and my cousin chimed in with, ‘Grandma can’t drive.’ But Grandma said, ‘Oh, you bet your sweet ass I can drive. They just don’t let me!’

“Years later, my mom explained that during Prohibition, Grandma bootlegged alcohol for moonshiners. She was so successful at it that when the moonshiners were finally busted, her license was suspended by the state. Later in life, she was told she could petition for it back, but it came with an admission of guilt or some such. She told ’em to go to hell.”


Image source: nightcrawler616

“Last week, I discovered that my dad died two years ago and no one bothered to tell me. I’d been looking for him. He was a drifter and I’m his only child. I stumbled across his headstone on findagrave.com while digging through Ancestry. His marker was labeled ‘Beloved brother.’ My aunts and uncles are pieces of s**t…I’m not hard to find. I don’t even know how he died.”


Image source: Amendris

“After my mom died, I found out the real story behind my parents’ marriage. She came to my father’s country to visit some of her relatives. She met my father, and after just one week, she asked him to marry her so she could stay in the country. My father accepted because he had no one else and his parents were pressing him to get married already. But the highlight of the story is that over some time, the two of them fell in love.”


Image source: oliveotherraindeer

“We went to my grandmother’s for Christmas dinner, and my uncle drank too much. He kind of hinted that he had an affair with my mother. A couple of months and two DNA tests later, we found out my sister is actually his daughter. My dad never spoke to his brother again. And of course, my parents got divorced. And I needed a lot of therapy…and chocolate.”


Image source: thtssotrue

“This is kind of messed up, but my parents told me my mom had a bad back because I pushed on her spine during birth. this was what I thought all my childhood. I think I was in my teens when my older brother told me my dad pushed my mom during an argument and she fell and had to have surgery. I thought I ruined my moms back my entire childhood and those SOBs let me believe it :(“

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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dirty secrets, family secrets, people, secret revelation, secrets, secrets spilled