The best of art

Published 9 years ago

The art, in its broadest sense, includes all human activity – performed individually or collectively – which leads to forms of creativity and aesthetic expression, relying on technical devices, innate or acquired abilities and behavioral norms arising from study and experience . In today’s sense, art is closely related to the ability to convey emotions and “messages” subjective. However, there is a unique artistic language and not even a single unambiguous code of interpretation.

In its most sublime sense, art is the expression of human interiority aesthetic. Reflects the artist’s opinions in the social, moral, cultural, ethical and religious of his historical period. Some philosophers and semantics of scholars, however, argue that there is an objective language that, regardless of the epochs and styles, should be encoded in order to be understood by all, however, the efforts to prove this assertion have so far been unsuccessful.

Art can also be considered a profession of ancient tradition carried out in observance of some fees encoded in time. In this sense, the skilled trades – ie those which refer to crafts – often descend from the Middle Ages, when they developed specialized activities and arts and crafts operators were assembled in guilds. Each art had its own tradition, whose fundamental concepts were enclosed in the rule of art, where every workman had to comply.

Analyzing the history of the concept of art we see that over time it undergoes a gradual but radical transformation.

Antiquities: Sanskrit Are (order) Latin: Ars, Greek: Τέχνη then meant the ability to make some object. The ability consisted in the knowledge of the rules, by which it was possible to produce an object. The art then included what today we call craft, more a part of Sciences (Astronomy, History). In addition, the Greeks did not use words such as: Music, Architecture, Visual Arts, to indicate an artistic discipline; These terms did not exist or had a meaning different from the present. They used instead of concepts lesser extent, such as: “mimicry”, “play”, “tragedy”, concepts that are now included as part of the theater, always following the example. From the concept of art he remained outside Poetry, because according to them was devoid of the typical art features: first of all, since it was mostly recited and sung, it was not a material production, so it was not based on specific rules, but on ‘individual invention; The second poem was seen as irrational, able to enchant, enthrall and seduce the minds. It was nevertheless included in the field of knowledge. The Poetry Finally it is believed inspired by the Muses, and this was considered superior.

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