20 Examples Of ‘Movie Logic’ That Would Never Work In Real Life
Let’s face it – sometimes even the most realistic of movies feature things that are a little out of touch with reality. You know, like showing women waking up with a face full of makeup or giving birth to 4-month-old babies. And the list doesn’t end there.
Reddit user UK-NeilPatel recently asked people to share some annoying unrealistic things that they often see in movies, and the internet delivered. In just two weeks their thread received over 8,000 responses with people posting numerous tropes we see in almost every movie – check out some of the most annoying ones in the gallery below!
Image source: DownwardLazy
Women in fight scenes with their hair down. Girl, tie it back I know you can’t see s**t.
Image source: bb1950328
Can you hack this super secure server?’ *ten seconds of hitting random letter keys on the keyboard* ‘I’m in.
Image source: Biriniri
Post apocalyptic women with clean shaven underarms.
Image source: PunchyPractitioner
Fight scenes with multiple attackers. They’re all so polite, waiting for their friends to get their ass kicked before engaging. In reality you get jumped by everyone at the same time.
Image source: Anthrosite
Mom has prepared a feast that could feed half the neighborhood, but it’s only for her two small children and her husband, who is already late for work and takes a single piece of toast on his way out the door.
Image source: YellowStar012
Going to Latin America. quick, put the yellow filter!.
Image source: HorseMeatSandwich
A part-time waitress or administrative assistant sure as s**t isn’t affording a beautiful two-bedroom apartment alone in any major city. Or you get the family where only the father works at an okay 9–5 but is somehow able to afford a $1.5 million house in California and raise four kids on a single income. I want to live in that world.
Image source: ladies-pmme-nudespls
Good guy jumps behind some furniture and the bad guys unloads 1000 rounds into it and none of them go through. What the f**k is that couch made of!?
Image source: mywifemademegetthis
“I’ve got a plan”
“Great. What is it?”
“No time. Just trust me.”
A: “I have something important to tell you. It’s about the Jones case.”
B: “What’s up? What’d you find?”
A: “Can’t talk now. Meet me tomorrow at 9.”
B: “A! Tell me what’s going on!”
A: “No, not now. Tomorrow at 9.”
A is found murdered the next morning, B is haunted by conversation. Sets off on worldwide mission to solve the murder and uncover the cover-up.
Image source: barbancourt5star
Image source: Eevee027
Doctors doing everything in medical settings. Scanning the patient, setting up IV’s, interpreting brain MRI’s. Nurses who? Radiographers what?
Image source: likethatwookie
In fires nobody dies of smoke inhalation. They’ll be in there for ages, merrily chatting away, coughing, miraculous escape (lifting a burning beam out the way maybe), they get outside and are fine! Maybe a smudge of soot on the face and a cough then on their merry way.
Image source: ToGrillAMockingbird
Cop looking at blurry CCTV image
Cop: “Can you clean up the image?”
Nerd: “Sure, computer enhance sector theta 6”
crystal clear image appears on screen
Cop: “Oh my god”
Image source: Darth_Mufasa
Gunfire indoors or inside cars and everyone can hear fine afterwards
Big explosions that throw people around but have no shrapnel
Windows that can be jumped through without shredding your skin
People traversing through air ducts
Image source: CallMeTDD
Women giving birth to giant, four month old babies.
Image source: IRatherChangeMyName
Someone being hit in the head, loses consciousness, and two minutes later getting up as if nothing happened.
Image source: orexinbaby
Punching four people in the face and not feeling anything. I’ve been in a fight and won. Even then it hurts like hell. No one ‘wins’ in a fight, they just get injured the least.
Image source: I_hate_traveling
People can talk and hear each other in clubs or loud bars without any issues.
Women waking up in bed with a full face of makeup.
I’m talking winged eyeliner and fuchsia lipstick. I seriously want to know who makes those decisions in the makeup department smh.
Image source: SquilliamFancySon95
Image source: Not—Really
People yanking their IV away from their arm. B**ch that will tear up you vein and f**k you up.
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