12 Hilarious Tinder Bios Of People Who Lost Limbs But Not Their Sense Of Humor
Losing a limb can be a lifechanging experience. And while coping with it may be hard at first, that doesn’t mean your life is over. In fact, some people are not only not letting their disabilities slow them down, they’ve even turned them into hilarious conversation pieces!
It also looks like amputees are hilariously creative when it comes to Tinder bios too! From one-armed arms dealers to handless handymen, check out the Tinder bios of people who lost their limbs but not their sense of humor in the gallery below!
Image source: ThePyroTaco
Image source: RickkyBobby
Image source: Kopar199
Image source: whyhelloyellow
Image source: maximiliano210
Image source: lifeproofbionicwoman
Image source: CAN_ONLY_ODD
Image source: GimmeDjibouti
Image source: unknown
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