30 Times People Tried Installing Wheelchair Ramps But Failed Miserably

Published 5 years ago

In many countries, modern building regulations require newly-built buildings to be accessible to handicapped people – that means having wheelchair ramps. Now, for us, it seems completely understandable. After all, how else would people in wheelchairs get into buildings? Some architects, however, see it as a nuisance and go out of their ways to do the bare minimum required to make buildings handicapped-friendly, resulting in some nonsensical and outright dangerous designs.

People online are sharing the most ridiculous accessibility designs they have come across and some of them are so carelessly designed, they’re almost insulting. From ramps that end with steps to ones that are as steep as rollercoasters, check out the worst cases of architects not caring about handicap access in the gallery below!

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#1 If You Aren’t Already In A Wheelchair, You Will Be After This

Image source: unknown

#2 To Invite A Disabled Man To Talk About Accessibility..

Image source: bebesiege

#3 Extreme Wheelchairing!

Image source: OlivierDeCarglass

#4 Being Handicapped In Cabo San Lucas Is Apparently An Extreme Sport. (Fb Friend’s Vacation Pic)

Image source: Just_some_n00b

#5 This Crosswalk For The Handicapped

Image source: Silker3612

#6 Epic Fail When It Comes To Accessibility

Image source: HeedTheNeed

#7 Accessibility Fail

Image source: Isobarix

#8 Accessibility Fail

Image source: HelenaohneH

#9 How Is This Supposed To Work??

Image source: reddit.com

#10 Accessibility Fail

#11 Because F**k You For Being In A Wheelchair

Image source: loveableterror

#12 The Portuguese Parliament Had To Become Handicap Accessible Due To Having One Deputy On A Wheelchair. This Is The Result

Image source: imgur.com

#13 Hospital Which I Work Has These Wheelchairs For The Patients

Image source: gui_kiddi

#14 Accessibility Fail

Image source: javatastisch

#15 For Those Who Feel They Aren’t Quite Handicapped Enough…

Image source: OctopussSevenTwo

#16 Accessibility Fail

#17 This Handicap Ramp

Image source: alflx

#18 Extreme Wheelchairing

Image source: Planeguy58

#19 For Disabled People On Stilts

Image source: GeneReddit123

#20 Wheelchair Friendly

Image source: Kotejichizu

#21 This Wheelchair Ramp

Image source: GeneReddit123

#22 “Wheelchair Access” For The Brave

Image source: dtrford

#23 Design Fail

#24 Access For Disabled Wheelchair Users

Image source: 4Kmemento

#25 Accessibility Fail

Image source: andraseits

#26 Accessibility Fail

Image source: BaptouB

#27 Hats Off To The Genius Who Installed This Disabled Access Ramp

Image source: sdalferth

#28 It’s Just Up The Stairs

Image source: SacredOrange

#29 At Least Wheelchairs Can Reach The First Stair

Image source: Juju1990

#30 Oh Yeah, You Could Get A Wheelchair In There No Problem

Image source: bennett4senate

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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accessibility, bad design, design fail, disability, FAIL, funny, wheelchair