30 Of The Worst Animated Characters, According To Netizens
Remember those carefree days of childhood when cartoon characters seemed utterly flawless? We’d laugh at their antics and immerse ourselves in their captivating storylines. But as we grow older, some of those character designs start to seem a bit… off. Some are so strange that even the best storytelling can’t make up for it.
Brace yourselves, because we’re about to take a trip down memory lane and shine a light on some of the most cringe-worthy character designs from movies, shows, and anime. Prepare to have your childhood memories just slightly tarnished.
More info: Reddit
#1 Spiderus From Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends
Image source: tjwalkr0
#2 Kid – Foodfight
Image source: Low-Injury-9219
Ducki (She/Her) 明明: This is like those $hit skibidi toilet animation
#3 Billy From Monster By Mistake
Image source: SnickersMcKnickers
#4 Buttercup From The Power Puff Girls
Image source: TiaMystic
#5 Cats – Live Action Movie
Image source: HairVarious1092
Luke Branwen: I’m amused by the theories that covid was a divine punishment for this.
#6 Jay Jay The Jet Plane
Image source: Lucid-Paralysis-696
#7 Fanboy & Chum Chum
Image source: Renderias
#8 Gakuen Handsome
Image source: Longjumping_Lion_496
#9 Teen Girl Wolf – Unstable Fables
Image source: BigGaybowser69
#10 Jonny – The Real Adventures Of Jonny Quest
Image source: Doodle_Brush
Hippopotamuses: Did he just look in a mirror?
#11 Squirrel Daredevil Dan – Foodfight
Image source: CoinSausage
#12 Groucha – Téléchat
Image source: 7yaX
Luke Branwen: This looks like that kind of weird $hit you find on the dark side of Youtube.
#13 Tika – Barbie Movie
Image source: brad2005rng
cat: the false eyelashes lol
#14 Tales In Mushroom Village
Image source: Toolnarrays
#15 Peppa The Pig
Image source: StarlightStardark
#16 Bigby Wolf – Unstable Fables
Image source: so_FISH_ticated
#17 Howie And Poodle – Almost Naked Animals
Image source: qzazq
#18 Bozz And Doody – Cubeez
Image source: Tunebird
#19 Globglogabgalab – Strawinsky And The Mysterious House
Image source: Juulsucc
Brian Jones: His name is the sound you make when you have a seizure
#20 The Problem Solverz
Image source: Heartmeanslove
#21 Joshua And The Promised Land
Image source: The_Snakes_Den
Red PANda (she/they): Everything about this movie is just a bit cursed ngl
#22 xxxHolic
Image source: GreatYamOfHope
#23 The Joker
Image source: HIV-Free-03
#24 Purple Monarch – Miraculous
Image source: Snoo-45969
#25 Becky – T.u.f.f. Puppy
Image source: Tili44
New Everywhere: It keeps alternating between looking like a nose and a hole aaaaahhh
#26 Sonic The Hedgehog
Image source: souleaterevans626
#27 Peppa’s Guinea Pigs
Image source: purple-kween
PhaseWitFact: Every character on Peppa Pig should be pictured here. That show has lazy sloppy illustrators pretending that they’re edgy.
#28 Kamichama Karin
Image source: Cake-OR-Death-
#29 Sid Phillips – Toy Story
Image source: DistributionLast5872
Red PANda (she/they): Okay but to be fair people were just learning how to animate and model stuff like that when that movie came out. The design did always kinda scare me as a kid though ngl
#30 Maury The Hormone Monster – Big Mouth
Image source: MDubbzee
3 possums in a coat: Is nobody going to talk abt the nose..
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