Twitter Users Are Praising Actors Who “Understood The Assignment” (30 Pics)

Published 3 years ago

When it comes to acting, reading the script and putting on a costume isn’t enough. In order to really nail the role, some actors like to go all out, dedicating months of their time to study their character, and even changing their habits and physical appearance just to really “become one” with it. And those efforts do not go unnoticed.

Recently, someone on Twitter started an “understood the assignment” trend where people began praising actors for absolutely nailing their roles, and it did not take long for it to go viral. Check out some of people’s favorite actors who went the extra mile to deliver an outstanding performance in the gallery below – chances are you’ll discover some of your own favorites too!

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#1 Robin Williams

Image source: TortugaHoe

#2 Gary Oldman

Image source: TheBoyWhoWrote

#3 Helena Bonham Carter

Image source: eyysalii

#4 Tim Curry

Image source: emjoselix

#5 Stanley Tucci

Image source: balladofsongs

#6 Johnny Depp

Image source: xcv_arius

#7 Tom Hanks

Image source: JokerInGotham00

#8 Heath Ledger

Image source: LEDGERING

#9 Emma Thompson

Image source: LESBWlAN

#10 Meryl Streep

Image source: aliyu_zaza

#11 Bryan Cranston

Image source: ItzEliInit

#12 James Mcavoy

Image source: AyoItz_Carlitos

#13 Kathy Bates

Image source: spinsewz

#14 Viola Davis

Image source: julianagalbizo

#15 Chadwick Boseman

Image source: endofthaday

#16 Samuel L. Jackson

Image source: KingTurtle__

#17 Brendan Fraser

Image source: fabulousdnell

#18 Anne Hathaway

Image source: zoeristoff

#19 Matthew Mcconaughey

Image source: m7mmd_mub

#20 Leonardo Dicaprio

Image source: MovieConnoisse

#21 Danny Devito

Image source: derivativeindie

#22 Tom Hiddleston

Image source: hiddlesnape

#23 Jamie Lee Curtis

Image source: juicycouthorror

#24 Natalie Portman

Image source: ephhemere

#25 Tom Hardy

Image source: suhlebrity

#26 Robert De Niro

Image source: gavinrodk

#27 Denzel Washington

Image source: williscj_

#28 Christopher Lee

Image source: MVPJunkie

#29 Jim Carrey

Image source: danielbutler33

#30 Winona Ryder

Image source: byersskata

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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actors, actors who nailed their roles, actors who understood the assignment, Hollywood, movies