30 Pictures Exposing How Some Disrespectful Customers Behave In Restaurants

Published 3 years ago

If you’ve ever had a job where you were required to deal with customers, you know how some people can really get on your nerves. Usually, after dealing with rude, annoying, or straight-up disrespectful customers, people end up venting on the internet. And today, we have collected some of those photos that reveal such impolite customers.

From a customer throwing drinks and food on a waitress to a customer stealing the tips jar, scroll below to check out some of the most entitled jerks who got shamed online for their rude behavior. And if you want to see more Karens, check out our previous post here.

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#1 I’m A Waitress. I Gave This Table Everything They Needed, Quickly, And Get This Lovely Tip

Image source: emilyunderscoremarie

#2 This Grown Man Throwing His Candy Wrappers For Me To Sweep Up During Work

Image source: turtlesurvivalclub

#3 Customers Assaulted Me With Drinks And Food. My Back Is Bruised By How Hard A Grown Man Threw His Drinks At Me. Can I Press Charges?

Image source: Ciaoanaxoxo

#4 Woman Gives Bad Review Because She Didn’t Get Hired

Image source: reddit.com

#5 This Server, Who Served This Iconic Line

Image source: kenn_ahh

#6 This Lady Has Been On The Phone Since She Sat Down, While Her Kid Is Running Around Doing This To The Salt Shakers

Image source: Dog-On-The-Moon

#7 At My Local Chinese Buffet’s Restoom, Why Are People This Way

Image source: BigDee823

#8 The Shade

Image source: Southernboyj

#9 He Took The Fan That Was Blowing Cool Air Throughout The Whole Café, And Turned It So It Only Pointed Onto Himself

Image source: phelyan

#10 This Person Who Thought It Was OK To Put The Dog On The Counter Where People Eat

Image source: thejunketjourneyer

#11 A Customer Today Wanted To Return Some Produce Because “It Was Too Ripe”, I Asked Him If He Had Already Tried Eating It In Anyway. He Said “Does It Look Like I Touched It?”

Image source: imgur.com

#12 Nice Restaurant- Kid Watching Cartoons On Volume 100

Image source: 5krunner

#13 Letting Your 9 Year Old Kids Eat The Watermelon In The Salad Put It Back. They Were Also Poking The Fruit

Image source: lex_1c0n

#14 Instagram Is Killing Food

Image source: growupdan

#15 This Mother

Image source: Huykaty

#16 Letting Your Kid Watch A Movie On Full Volume In A Restaurant

Image source: ___________f

#17 Restaurant Customer Caught Taking An Upskirt Picture Of Underage Host

Image source: Sofa__King__Cool

#18 Couple Prioritizes Their Food Over A Dying Man

Image source: elijah.rucker.5

“Shoutout to the most selfish couple. Someone was having a heart attack at Roma’s and while the server was helping the man out, this couple started complaining about their food not being served to them immediately.”

#19 The Nerve Of This Lady

Image source: CheerioPi1

#20 If You Do This Because “Someone Is Paid To Clean It Up” Frick You

Image source: heatherledge

#21 Entitled Military Spouse Demands Free Meals

Image source: VerySlump

#22 Trashy And Just Plain Stupid

Image source: netengnerd

#23 Way To Put Essential Workers’ Families At Risk Right Before The Holiday Season

Image source: somnifacientsawyer

#24 This Is What Someone Left At A Buffet Because They Were Mad They Found 2 Dirty Plates And Were Asked To Wear A Mask

Image source: shinn315

#25 Just Chillin At The Coffee Shop

Image source: geekaz01d

#26 All You Can Drink

Image source: imguriwantthat

#27 Food Fight In Public

Image source: hareppas

#28 Squatting On A Restaurant Table For A Picture

Image source: Spritzzy

#29 Watched This Family Put These Trays Full Of Food On The Ground Instead Of Cleaning It Up. I Only Cleaned It Up After I Watched Someone Trip Over It

Image source: Muuuuuuuuuuurph

#30 I Was Waiting For My Order At Pizza Hut When This Girl Comes Out Of The Bathroom With A Roll Of Toilet Paper. Needless To Say, She Left The Restaurant With It

Image source: elitegamer312

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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annoying customers, annying restaurant customers, bad customers, customers being jerk, Karen customers