30 Times People’s Babies Ended Up Looking Like Old People

Published 3 years ago

When looking at pictures of cute babies online, it’s easy to believe that all of them are born looking absolutely adorable. However, the reality is that sometimes people’s babies end up looking more tiny old men, rather than the cute munchkins that their parents were expecting. And it’s not like there’s anything wrong with that – it’s just that they look like they’re about to yell at you for stepping on their lawn.

Parents are sharing photos of their babies that ended up looking like old men, and the pictures are too cute. Check them out in the gallery below, and if you want to see more kids that look like old people, see our previous post here!

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#1 This Baby Looks Like He’s Ready To Pour You A Pint At His Pub

Image source: robwallace7

#2 Time To Change What?

Image source: Triggercut72

#3 Born In The Year 2020

Image source: allshowernoflower

#4 These Might Just Be The Best Baby Facial Expressions I Have Ever Captured! Mom And Dad Both Said She Came Out With This Same Face! Grumpy Old Lady

Image source: justinetuhyphoto

#5 Put Me Back Where I Came From Or So Help Me

#6 My Son. Birth Certificate Says 1 Week, But The Forehead Wrinkles Say Your 80-Year-Old Grandfather Who Looks Vaguely Like A Bulldog And Falls Asleep In His Recliner While Chewing On A Stogie

Image source: StarKing18

#7 My Son Used To Look Like Danny Devito

Image source: pangitlee

#8 Born On The 21st Hour Of The 21st Day Of The 21st Year Of The 21st Century, Heres My Newborn Daughter Striking A Pose For The Camera

Image source: PelicanParker

#9 Old Babies You Say?

#10 He’s Figuring Out Which Cup Wesley Poisoned

Image source: TristanLennon

#11 This Disgruntled Baby

Image source: propav8r

#12 At 5 Months Old My Son Already Has The Best School Photo Ever

Image source: kimay124

#13 “Lost My Job, Lost My Wife, Lost My Binky”

Image source: yoshioshilol

#14 This Baby Already Sick Of Everything

Image source: reddit.com

#15 My Twins Looking Like An Old Married Couple

Image source: chaiiya

#16 The Angriest Newborn

Image source: 867-53OhNein

#17 My Brother In Law Used To Look Like A Travel-Sized Soprano

Image source: UploadMeDaddy

#18 When You Gotta Finish That Fresh Batch Of Cookies But Have Nap Time At 3

Image source: Longbeacher707

#19 Our Baby Looks Exactly Like Gordon Ramsay

Image source: Claire8ball

#20 My 3 Week Old Daughter Reminds Me Of An Old Aunty That Always Judging You

Image source: Cradle2Grave

#21 What Kind Of Baby Makes Faces Like This

Image source: mariahmae

#22 I Guess A Lot Of Babies Look Like Wallace Shawn, But Man, Those Eyebrow Wrinkles

Image source: CatastropheWife

#23 Little Old Man

Image source: awheeler92

#24 I Feel Judged

Image source: epistemophilia

#25 Had The Perfect Picture From When My Son Was Two Weeks Old

Image source: PrincessFluffyBunny

#26 We Told Ben He Looked Like His Grampy, He Didn’t See The Resemblance

Image source: bex_boys_and_books

#27 A Very Grumpy Baby

Image source: JoePatrick1

#28 Me Running For Local Office

Image source: Valgeirsson

#29 I Was One Of Those “Old Man” Babies

Image source: Jenicsaco

#30 My Daughter And Her Great-Great-Grandmother. I Think That The Resemblance Is Quite Uncanny

Image source: moonlyra

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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babies, babies that look like old people, funny, old babies