30 Times People Completed The Most Beautiful Crocheting Projects And Decided To Share Them In This Online Group

Published 3 years ago

For a lot of people, being stuck in quarantine for over a year served as the perfect opportunity to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill. And just in case you haven’t found the right hobby for yourself yet, today we have prepared you a collection of posts that might inspire you to try your hand at crocheting.

The users of Reddit’s quarter million-strong crocheting community are sharing all of the unique projects that they’ve completed, and it’s absolutely mind-blowing to see how simple yarn can be turned into something so beautiful. Check out some of the most amazing crocheting projects shared in this subreddit below!

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#1 I’m Happy To Show You My New Sheep Design. I Don’t Really Like To Make Clothes For Toys But This Fur Coat Had Been Made In One Breath, As The Sheep Itself

Image source: LoopyPattern

P.s. The coat hanger in the photo also deserves the attention, it made by my husband special for the sheep.

#2 My Wife Makes Lovely Crochet Animals. At The Moment She Is Not On A High With Self Confidence So I Want To Show Her That Her Work Is Not Only Liked By Our Kids And Myself

Image source: Diaphor

#3 I Designed This Cardigan For My Little Girl

Image source: Eliesje

#4 My First [fo]. I Fell In Love With A Girl Who Loves Daisies. She Showed Me A Picture Of A Blanket Like This. I Had No Clue How To Crochet, But She Really Liked That Blanket, So I Knew What I Had To Do

Image source: RetfordOaks

#5 Yaay I Finally Finished My Lockdown Project (Started May 2020!) Annoyingly I Can’t Get It To Look As Good In Pictures As In Real Life (Any Tips Lol). It’s Only My 3rd Ever Project So I Am Really Chuffed With How It Turned Out

Image source: star-pix

#6 Thought I Would Release My Own UFO Images Since The Pentagon Is Releasing Theirs

Image source: Touwtjee

#7 An Artist Crochetted A Lady And Her Dog

Image source: moneeo

#8 I Made A Shark Its Not The Best But Im 14 And I Tried

Image source: 69_nice-

#9 It Nearly Cost Me My Sanity, But My Scale Dress Is Finally Complete!

Image source: Zahai

#10 Crocheted My Wedding Dress

Image source: Leggylett

#11 I Made My Old Girl A Sofa, To People Watch From

Image source: CoughInNine

#12 Ladies In My Village In Southern Spain Crochet And Hang These Over This Street

Image source: Sylocule

#13 This Blanket Pulled Me In Like Nothing Else – I Finished It In Just 8 Days And Can’t Believe I Made It!

Image source: koukkuunkoukussa

#14 My Mom Crochets And Donated 31 Blankets To Sick Children This Year

Image source: seacogen

#15 Mom Doesn’t Have Reddit But I Think Her Work Is Pretty Awesome!

Image source: parkbrat12

#16 I Made 20 Bees For An Order – A Company That Makes Honey. I’d Be Okay If I Never Make Another Bee Again

Image source: felixhorse

#17 Hoth: I Am Working On A Series Of Feminist Icons For My Brownie Unit. Here Is The First, Marie Curie

Image source: Wolf_Mommy

#18 Xenomorph Crochet Full Body Costume! My Son’s Choice! He Glows! (Freehanded/No Pattern)

Image source: Crochetverse

#19 My Sil Loves Jeff Goldblum So I Crocheted Her A Blanket As A Surprise

Image source: redlorelei

#20 I Finished One More Skirt. The Most Beloved Skirt In My Studio And The Customers Love It. What Do You Think?

Image source: greenvulture_anna

#21 Fiiiinally Finished This Sunset-Colored Cat Blanket!

Image source: savannahstitches

#22 Made An Octopus Friend For My Son. Son Included For Scale

Image source: nericksx

#23 Finally Finished After 2 Months

Image source: scared_pistachio

#24 Only A Border Left To Make. And Maybe A Few Threads To Put Away With. But Happy Already. Stained Glass Wonder Blanket

Image source: Wandel321

#25 Sometimes The Most Basic Pattern Can Be Surprisingly Effective

Image source: yarn_over

#26 A Little Bit Of Happiness On A Grey Saturday, One Of My Favourite Things I Had Done. Just Random Small Flower Patterns From All Over The Internet

Image source: CrochetLady071

#27 I Crocheted A Cheeseburger And My Cat Loves It So Much

Image source: baistei

#28 To Say I Am Proud Is The Understatement Of The Millenium

Image source: MamaPHooks

#29 A Pic Of My Self Crocheted Wedding Dress

Image source: pugglik

#30 My Persian Tiles Blanket Won First Place In A Crochet Blanket Competition!

Image source: Fizzyguineapig

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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art, crocheting, Crocheting projects, DIY