35 Magnificent Wooden Artifacts That Were Posted On The “Woodworking Ideas” Facebook Community
Woodworking is a timeless craft that has captured the hearts of artisans and hobbyists alike for generations. It’s a discipline that marries creativity with craftsmanship, resulting in stunning pieces of art and utility.
In today’s digital age, woodworking enthusiasts have found a platform to share their creations and inspire others, and one of the most vibrant communities for this purpose is the “Woodworking Ideas” Facebook group. Check out some remarkable works of wood that have earned their place on this esteemed platform.
More info: Facebook
Image source: NIKAA
Kim Kermes : “Wow. Just wow.”
Debbie Skaaden : “Looks like something that came out of the movie Alice in Wonderland.”
Image source: Opal Lucyka
Image source: Amazing Woodworking Ideas
Mrs Irish Mom : “Thiis looks so cool, never seen anything like it before”
Image source: Always Ready
Bears Smiff : “Absolutely awesome!!!”
Image source: Woodworking kingdom
A C : “Perfect little cat cozy!!”
Image source: Avadh Rani
Tracy Wallick : “The lack of a railing makes me nervous”
Iamlisa : “Simplistically gorgeous.”
Image source: Avadh Rani
cerinamroth : “That poor tree doomed to watch its own people burn with no one even around to enjoy the spectacle!”
Image source: Keegan Dunnings
Michael Fuhry : “We-he-he-eell, aren’t we the clever one!”
Image source: Sey Parak
Passerby : “My dad has something like this. So many bird poops.”
Emberlynn Peterson : “I love showering outdoors. It sounds weird but like of ur in the mountains or forest and have one of these then it’s so nice and peaceful especially when ur alone”
Image source: Mr. Inventor
Kim Kermes : “Very nice! The stairs are drawers, right? And a closet at the end, or a bookcase?”
Image source: Channarin Vann
Sandra Morison : “Stunning so much skill”
judy_longcore : “Young Man, you should be so proud for what you have accomplished! Skills at the highest level. I feel honored just to see a photo of your work!”
Image source: Adesh Kumar
cerinamroth : “Anyone else want to sit and bounce on the end nearest the camera?”
Image source: Avadh Rani
OhnoI’vebeencensored : “This is the first one I’ve seen that I think I could achieve. It’s lovely. I wanna have a go. Edit: imagine it with colour changing LEDs”
Image source: Jo Jo
OhnoI’vebeencensored : “This is too much. Sometimes the best taste is somewhat restrained!”
A C : “I want to like it….”
Hiro Lee : “Can’t imagine in a kitchen setting trying to keep it clean. But it is beautiful.”
Image source: Adesh Kumar
cerinamroth : “Ron Weasley’s moved out of the family home”
Blue Bunny of Happiness : “Love the matching birdhouses!”
Tracy Wallick : “That is so f*cking cute, I need to hire this person if I ever get enough land to warrant a shed.”
Image source: Vla Voka
Rebelliousslug : “Just a little weekend project huh? It is beautiful”
Image source: Amazing Woodworking Ideas
Kim Kermes : “I could live there. Screen in the porch for a catio.”
Image source: Rajesh Kumar
nonesuch : “I wonder if they used wood samples for this.”
Image source: Avadh Rani
Kim Kermes : “I would have to come sweeping down this wearing a long, filmy gown, several times a day.”
Image source: Avadh Rani
cerinamroth : “What does it say? (I can’t read Arabic.) It’s not yeslamu eedaik, is it by any chance (bless the hands that made this meal)?”
xolitaire : “what I see is “if you walk past this table to quickly, there’s a chance it will stab you in the stomach””
marianne eliza : “The first time someone spills a beverage….”
Image source: Astria Putri
BstnGnr : “Those are awesome!”
Image source: Adesh Kumar
Robert Bashford : “Pixar lamp thinking about the “i” it just killed”
Image source: Avadh Rani
Powerful Katrinka : “I love the way the shape mimics the curl of the wave.”
Image source: Vla Voka
Mrs Irish Mom : “Love this, kick the kids out and enjoy a good book and a glass of wine in peace”
Image source: Sey Parak
WindySwede : “Cool, but could be larger place to strutt around on?”
Image source: Annie Zura
Libstak : “The only thing I’d do differently is make each stair a draw too.”
Karen Philpott : “Third step up could be built so as to be a bedside table when pulled out.”
Image source: Jabier Molina
Tracy Wallick : “Where is this and how soon can I move in”
Image source: Palet Design World
xolitaire : “I don’t know, this looks like something you would want to put outside, not inside?”
Wild weather weekend : “My small dog would have so many hidey holes where he puts stolen food and toys..”
Sacha Sikora : “Beautiful! Even better since its made from recycled pallets! Guess that makes it Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Rest.”
Image source: Dau Thanh Binh
Image source: Mr. Inventor
Image source: Mohammad Shahzad
Image source: Avadh Rani
Image source: Adesh Kumar
Image source: Amazing Woodworking Ideas
Image source: Sey Parak
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