Artist Quits His Job At Buzzfeed To Work Freely, And His Comics Are Hilarious

Published 6 years ago

Adam Ellis is a New York-based artist who amuses everyone online with his outstanding illustrations. Adam creatively portrays our everyday lives and the wonders that hide in our day-to-day actions. Recently, Adam Ellis has quit his corporate job at BuzzFeed to pursue his dreams, fully concentrating on personal projects.

Ellis is well-known online since his social media platforms collectively exceed 3 million followers. He even published a book called “Books Of Adam: The Blunder Years” which is a set of “hilarious trials and tribulations in attempt to become a functioning member of society.”

Scroll down to see Adam’s comics!

More info: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter (h/t)

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Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: adamtots


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis


Image source: Adam Ellis

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Adam Ellis, adamtots, best relatable comics, Books Of Adam: The Blunder Years, funny relatable comics, hilariously relatable comics, relatable comics