40 Delusional Parents That Tried To Cheap Out On A Babysitter

Published 10 months ago

The following posts were found online when aggressive parents posted on social media in search of a babysitter. However, the kicker is that most of these jobs seem to entail a massive loss for the babysitter with hardly any pay or benefits to make the gig more salvageable. 

As shocking as it is to read some of these ads, they are also highly entertaining. So go ahead and scroll to read some of the most ludicrous and entitled babysitting ads actually posted online that will surely test the patience of even the most tolerant people. 

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#1 And Then There Is This

Image source: mcnaughtized

Say What: They think providing all things needed for the child’s care is like a bonus or something?

#2 Always Amazes Me How Cheap People Can Be, Especially Regarding Their Children. Like, You Think A 3 Dollar An Hour “Nanny” Is Gonna Be Good To Your Kid?

Image source: tempelvl252

JoMeBee:  Yep, the clown sums it up nicely…

#3 How Dare She Want To Have A Life Outside Of Being A Nanny

Image source: momofwon

KylieBet the poster doesn’t work ‘extra hours’ for nothing.

#4 This Was In My Local “What’s Happening” Page

Image source: Madsmom08

DavidFor comparison, I made more money per hour working a part time farm job in the early 70s when I was 12.

#5 Give My Kid All Your Attention, Be Available 24/7, And Do It For Basically Only Your Love Of Kids

Image source: dores87

I’ve seen a lot of posts asking for childcare at below-poverty wages. And a lot of the time I get it, childcare is stupidly expensive and yet it’s a necessity for most families. But this woman’s request takes the cake. The audacity and delusion are just top-notch. She has since deleted any negative comments to her post, but the request is still up.

#6 Sure, 40k A Year Seems Like A Reasonable Annual Salary To Be Your Personal Chef, Nanny, Driver, Administrative Assistant, Home Organizer, Housekeeper, And More In Los Angeles

Image source: derpitydooda

#7 Who Wouldn’t Want To Watch An Infant For $1.25/Hr On 3rd Shift?

Image source: PrincessInTheTower12

#8 Looking For A Babysitter Who Will Be Paid With Music Production From A Culty Church

Image source: cabin_fever_bob

#9 They Couldn’t Even Feed Those Children At $100 A Week

Image source: reddit.com

Jason: This seems like a troll. Must work weekends without notice and pay. Also vegan organic food is mad expensive here unless you grow your own

#10 In Search Of Someone Who Doesn’t Value Their Time Whatsoever

Image source: gingerlyground

JoMeBeeWhy did they even bother to have kids? They don’t sound capable of raising a plant without assistance. Poor kids…

#11 Look After My Child, Cook Meals, And Walk The Dog In Exchange For Living In A Frozen Caravan With Us

Image source: VivaIbiza

#12 Experience Presence Through The Eyes Of A Toddler

Image source: berly222

#13 Where Do I Sign Up? No Kitchen Access, She Says You Can Buy A Microwave And Use Their Deep Freezer. Oh, And Pay Us To Be Our Nanny

Image source: wishihadntdonethat99

ThrillionThis is an HOA community? What does that have to do with it other than maybe you can’t park at the house? I guess this would work if a couple applies with one the nanny/house keeper and the other working for pay.

#14 Someone Posting Looking For Childcare. It’s The “And If You Want To Be Friends When I’m Not Working And Fold Laundry For Me” That Gets Me

Image source: ShredderWest

#15 Lady In Mom Group Practically Yelling At Us While Trying To Find A Babysitter Who Will Work All Day Every Day For About $1 Per Hour

Image source: ToxicFlutter

Marja Berisa: What now? Could this message be more confusing?

#16 I’m Speechless

Image source: meaniemuna

#17 Watch My Kids Overnight For Free And Also Have The Pleasure Of Renting An Overpriced Room In A Super Loud House. How On Earth Can This Person Post This Thinking They’ll Get Any Takers?

Image source: tea4vendetta

Say What: So he or she is asking a complete stranger to be their kids’ parent.

#18 I Could Do An Entire Series On Just This One Woman’s Posts In Our Local Group

Image source: badtothebabs

#19 Not Even Minimum Wage

Image source: penguinophile

#20 Seven Days A Week, $100. Don’t Teach Them Another Language And You Don’t Have To Do Dishes Unless They’re Dirty

Image source: mamaleemc

#21 Prefer Patient Babysitter, Unable To Pay Anything

Image source: davenport_st

#22 Babysitting At 4 AM For $2/Hr

Image source: superduperultrageek

#23 Babysit 4 Kids 30+ Hours A Week For $375

Image source: reddit.com

#24 Wants A Live-In Nanny For $5 An Hour. The Entitlement Blew My Mind. She Deleted It After A Few Comments Called Her Out

Image source: stepharoozoo

#25 Is This Real Life?

Image source: Takemebacktobreezy

JoMeBee: Good lord, I feel bad for her kids. They’ll be either little monsters or little mice dealing with this kind of parent! And who on earth thought it was a good idea to breed with her???

#26 She Wants Someone To Watch Her Kid For Less Than $3/Hour, 40+ Hours Per Week

Image source: umuziki

She keeps blocking everyone who comments telling her she’s paying poverty wages. On her own page, she charges $40 a night for childcare while turning around and asking for just $25 a day for her own child.

#27 Nanny, Chef, Tutor, Chauffeur For $2.73 An Hour

Image source: imalmostshy

#28 Woman Thinks Two Jobs Are One

Image source: james95rrfc

#29 $18 A Day. What An Opportunity

Image source: emily_murnane

David: Bonus points for it being split shift and red flag that they keep their kitchen cabinets locked up. Locking one cabinet where you keep some alcohol / expensive stuff = okay. Locking all your cabinets = controlling freak show.

#30 Free Live-In Nanny Wanted

Image source: ravynwave

#31 Seeking Mary Poppins

Image source: nomobjustice

Libstak (edited): What gets me here is she is running a cleaning company and you just know she is not charging less than $50 or $65 per hour for her services, what a crappy Hypocratic biatch.

#32 Fantastic Salary Making $18,000 A Year Any Takers

Image source: smash1ftw

#33 Full-Time Babysitter For $5/Hr For 4 Kids. Plus Cleaning My House And Picking Up Dog Poop

Image source: KidsInNeed

Fat Harry: My recommendation is to pay more than slave-labour wages and live in the real world. I’d love to know if these people get a reality check in the comments.

#34 Person On Facebook Marketplace Asking For A Live-In Babysitter And $100 In Rent, Not Including Utilities Or Food

Image source: SolidBold

sbj: The only people who would apply for this will probably turn out to be a psychopath

#35 Looking For A Nanny

Image source: My_Lovely_Life

#36 No One Wants To Work These Days

Image source: JoMarch0123

#37 Here, Take This Full-Time Job For $1.50 An Hour, Oh And I’ll Need You To Be My Personal Chauffeur Too

Image source: Maleficent-Present57

I understand the struggle of having a not-so-good paying job, but personally just in this last week I’ve had four job offers in entry-level positions paying at least $15 an hour with the same hours. This is a big yikes. This was posted to the Facebook group for the town that I live in.

#38 $2 An Hour But Free Snacks And WiFi

Image source: gfc1217

#39 $1500/Month To Be A Full-Time Teacher, Nanny, And Maid

Image source: cornonthecobster

#40 Maybe I’m Not Good At Math But This Seems Low For Infant Childcare

Image source: Miss_Rice_Is_Right


Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



Babysitting, entitled, nannies, parenting, unhinged