25 Of The Most Disturbing Secrets Revealed By Drunk People

Published 4 weeks ago

Keeping a secret is no easy feat, especially with our penchant for getting things off our chest. Meanwhile, some people even take their secrets to their graves. But what if a secret has been revealed by someone without them even realizing it?

Intoxication has long been considered to work as a kind of truth serum on some people. While it may not work consistently, on occasion people have been known to reveal their innermost thoughts and secrets under the influence. The release of inhibitions and the lack of memory are a potent combination to create a scene where folks feel comfortable spilling the details of even their most distressing secrets. Scroll below to read the most shocking responses people gave when asked, “What terrifying confession has someone told you while intoxicated?”

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Image source: darkrider555, Mohamed hamdi/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

This was about 6 months ago now. My brother and I were getting drunk one night because it was the weekend and we just wanted to get f****d up and play videogames. We had done plenty of shots and plenty of drinks and we were the definition of *f****d up*. We were having fun playing some old WaW Zombies for nostalgia, and we paused it to grab some chips. As I was grabbing the salsa, he said to me that he had tried committing s***ide about a month prior to this. He had taken some pills and they pumped his stomach and s**t, and he told me the whole time he was thinking of me and how s****y and depressed I’d be if he had died and that he’d never want to lose me. I told him I had also tried committing s***ide a while ago and I thought the exact same thing about him. We continued playing Zombies while talking about everything under the moon, and we’ve been talking every day since, have never missed and will never miss a day. Were both doing a lot better now and were both in therapy, its nice having someone to talk to and trust about these things.

Edit: Thanks for the awards, yall. But instead of gifting me stuff, check on your friends and family, and especially people you haven’t talked to in a bit, sometimes we’re just too depressed to try initiating conversation.


Image source: SCVanguard, Alexander Grey/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Was terrifying at the time being with my girlfriend of 5 years and being a few weeks away from proposing.

She said, “I’ll never have kids with you because I don’t want them coming out like spotted little freaks.”

I have vitiligo.


Image source: guitarfreek85, Anthony LE/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Had a former friend tell me he k*lled his brother. Didn’t help this was while we were trying to herd his drunk a*s to the car as he was crying and yelling it at the top of his lungs. Amazing we didn’t end up in cuffs or the very least get stopped and questioned.

Come to find out his brother died of a brain aneurysm and that morning he prayed for something to happen to get him out of school that day. He always blamed himself for his brother’s death and I get that to a degree.


Image source: moonchild_86, yerling villalobos/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Not so much as a confession, but the moment I realised he was seriously messed up…

I was living with my parents to help my sick mother. Dad came home absolutely wasted, and decided to have a really in depth conversation with me.

Asked about my depression, some traumatic things that had happened to me… He was really listening to me for the first time in my life. I felt seen and heard. We talked about what triggered my depression, s***idal thoughts etc. He genuinely listened.

Then just stared me straight in the eyes with the most cruel smile on his face and said *”now I know. I’m going to push and push and push. We’ll see how long it takes until you k*ll yourself” *

I moved out the next day. Everyone told me to forget it/forgive it because he was drunk. I’ve never stayed with them since, and try to avoid my dad as much as possible. With his previous behaviours, I could see him following through…


I am completely floored by the amount of support and comments… Thank you all.

I posted this because it was a messed up situation. Apparently I didn’t realise quite how bad it was. My normal meter has been broken for a long time, thank you for helping me to “fine tune” it, if you will.

I wasn’t expecting this response, so if I don’t reply, please know I will still read your comments, it’s just a lot to take in. Thank you for your support ❤️.


Image source: Lickingyourmomsa**s, Bence Balla-Schottner/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Showering off my blackout drunk father because he had s**t himself when he starting bawling and confessed to being pinned down and r*ped by his brother’s friends.

Edit: this comment took off so I’ll elaborate a bit on the FAQs. I was 16 when this happened. He worked an early shift so he was always home when I’d get home from school and would be drunk on the average 4 days a week. He was never abusive or angry, just distant. But in that moment when he blurted it out I could see the pain and weight he was carrying through the tears. I was obviously in total shock, so I just let him sob and talk as I listened. I finished washing him off then got him to bed where he slept it off. He was blackout drunk so I knew he’d never remember the conversation, so I kept it to myself. Other than my therapist I’ve never told a soul until now. He blamed himself, and there’s unfortunately still a stigma surrounding men and admitting sexual a*****t, but it does happen to them too and needs to be addressed. My father dealt with it in an unhealthy manner for a long time. Whether or not he talked to someone to address it properly I’ll never know, but he has been sober for over 20 years now and much more present in our family’s life.


Image source: Deichelbohrer, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My ex admitted, after we broke up, to a mutual friend that our son wasn’t an accident. That she purposely baby trapped me in the hopes to getting a marriage proposal. Our mutual friend told me and is no longer friends with my ex.


Image source: Soulfighter56, Chris Blonk/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Freshman year of college, among all the new friends I made that year, there was one guy who was always a goofball. Very laidback, casual, down for whatever. The biggest red flag we got from him was that whenever people were drinking and hanging out, he would always essentially black out. He drank way too much and would kind of spaghetti-noodle his way around the party. While also intoxicated, after the party had winded down one night, a few people and I asked him why he always goes so damn hard.

While drooping his head a ton, sloshing around, and slurring everything, he told us about how a few months ago (the summer before college started), his best friend called him. They lived in a small town by the beach, and his friend asked him to come meet him to watch the sunset by the water. He biked over there, sat down, and they talked for a while, everything seemed fine. Then his friend took out a pistol and shot himself in the head, k*lling himself instantly. Apparently my friend had to call the police while covered in blood, brains, and skull fragments, just totally in shock. And then a few weeks later he went off to college a few states away, still in shock and unable to sleep or focus on anything.

He didn’t remember telling us that story, and I don’t think any of us wanted to bring it up. His drinking habits didn’t change until he was about to graduate, by which point he started going to therapy, got a job right after graduation, and seems to be doing better in the years since (thank god).


Image source: JWWolfy, Emily Andreeva/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I had a colleague tell me 20 drinks in she was not only s***idal, but that she had unsuppressed HIV and was knowingly transmitting it to partners she was sleeping with and not telling them because she “didn’t care about people.”

I’m an HIV case manager so this was absolutely horrific for me.


Image source: Panther81277, Giulia Squillace/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Gay man dying of AIDS said I could charge my entire bar tab to his credit card cause he was going to die soon…

Edit:It was me and a few friends watching football so our tab was probably +$200; but I was talking to him for awhile before he said this. Think he was lonely and scared. So we just watched football with him for the rest of the afternoon. Made him feel welcome and normal at least for a while. Just wanted what the rest of us do; to not feel alone and that someone cares. I believe his name was Ron.

EdIt #2. This was 2001.


Image source: JeffCogs80, Roman Holoschchuk/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

A old co-worker of mine told me about how him and his friends k*lled a guy in the 80s who r*ped one of their sisters. He wasn’t even drunk. He said they pulled up to his trailer out in the desert, honked the horn and when the guy came out about 6 guys all opend fire on him. He said “that way no one knew exactly who k*lled him”.


Image source: PeaceLoveNavi, Eliott Reyna/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My ex in college told me once when he was blackout drunk that a few years prior, him and a bunch of other kids broke into a house to have a party. The family that lived there was on vacation or something and were all gone (idk how they picked the house or knew it’d be empty, sorry. It’s been like 12 years, and I forgot some details). They all got drunk and someome decided it would be fun to break a picture on the wall. Then someone else did, too. Eventually it devolved into them all destroying the house. Absolutely everything they could. All the windows were broken. Broke the legs off all the chairs and used them to beat holes into the walls. Ripped and stole clothing. Ripped or burnt all the family photos on the walls and s**t. I don’t remember all the stuff he said that they broke, but I remember him crying and saying that they ruined those people’s lives and there’s no way to make it right. I honestly think he was so f****d up that he doesn’t remember telling me, because we NEVER mentioned it again..

Anyway, like two years later, he punched me in the face for asking for a ride to work “one too many times” so I guess he was a piece of s**t regardless of current situation or alcohol intake.


Image source: fruityvirgo, maxime caron/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My brother was drunk and he told me how he got sexually assaulted by our half brother when he was 8. And that he knew that our half brother assaulted me too when I was 5. (I hadn’t ever told my brother about my situation so I was in shock).


Image source: supernasty, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Playing “truth or dare” at a party with close friends, our lesbian friend of 8 years chooses “truth,” other friend asks her (jokingly) if she’s ever sucked d**k. Everyone’s laughing, she isn’t. She admits to being r*ped by her uncle for 4 years as a child. Friend who asked starts crying, he had no idea. None of us did.


Image source: TheTrueGoldenboy, christopher lemercier/Unsplash (Not the actual photo)

A friend of mine likes to drink, *a lot*, but he knows he has a limit because when he goes over it he becomes very talkative. He also doesn’t date, at all, and for a long time we all wondered why. He’s a good looking guy, he’s really nice, he’s fun to be around (when he isn’t drinking, anyway), never wants to date.

Well, one time he got absolutely s**t-faced and I found out why. It turns out that when we was a kid, he saw his aunt m*rder his uncle in cold blood. Ever since, he’s been terrified of being alone with a woman and feels like he could never truly be safe around them.


Image source: HoraceBenbow, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My grandpa never talked about his Korean War service. He had severe PTSD though. Would wake up in the middle of the night screaming.

Then one night he came home absolutely s**tfaced, laid down on the couch, then told me that his entire unit had been wiped out before his eyes. He was the sole survivor and got caught behind enemy lines but made it out. He was their sergeant and blamed himself. He eventually got into veteran’s therapy in his 60s though.


Image source: anon, Sérgio Alves Santos/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Some guy told me the proper technique to roofie a drink without a girl noticing. I told the bouncer who threw him out, but I’ll never know if he was serious or just f*****g with me.


Image source: leilenix, Sweet Life/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Not brutal or anything but my mom admitted to breaking confidentiality to find my dads birth parents despite him pleading not to. She laughed about it and thought it was the funniest thing about how mad my dad was, that was the day I realized my mom doesn’t care about others.


Image source: Adventurous_Jaguar57, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

Was chilling with an older dude with whom i recently started working as a butcher in a grocery store.
A couple of beers down and he starts telling me he’s been in prison for 17 years. Came out 2 years ago and it’s his first ever job at 64 years old.
I got curious and asked him what happened if it wasnt too private. Without hesitation, he simply answered ” i cut him down with an axe this piece of s**t”.
… And now he’s a butcher. Dude must really like his job i guess lmao.


Image source: SerocXela, Alec Favale/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

One time, an old acquaintance (F49) and I (M32) were drinking late into the night. She drank much faster than me, and before long randomly and drunkenly confessed to me the following:

When her aging and sick mother — whom she despised and was a ton of unappreciated work to care for — was left in her care, she intentionally withheld certain medications and gave her too much of other ones with the plan being to k*ll her off. It worked. She told her other siblings that the illness must have finally gotten to her and she passed in her sleep. Since she was already old and sick there was no autopsy.

A minute later she snapped out of it and apologized profusely for telling me that, adding that I am the only person she has ever told….


Image source: BeEccentric, Pablo Merchán Montes/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

That he didn’t ever want a daughter in case he “fancied her.”.


Image source: anon, Israel palacio/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

On my birthday I got really wasted drinking at home with friends and let slip my most devastating memory from my time in the military, that’s really the source of my PTSD.

While in Afghanistan, my unit stumbled upon a stray herd of goats in an area where we regularly met with an informant we knew to be a shepherd. We found a mass of 17 decaying bodies that were the entirety of the man’s nomadic clan. It was presumed that the informant was discovered by the Taliban and they put the entire group to death and left them there to rot. I spent the better part of a week burying the bodies. Some were decapitated, including at one child.

I think my friends were arguing about Ukraine and I was just so drunkenly frustrated, none of them had seen the terrifying reality of s**t that happens in war, s**t is just a f*****g headline to so many.

Edit: This kind of took off, so I wanted to add some context as well as thank everyone for your kind words and awards given.

I was 19 when this happened and this became the focal point for me changing a lot of my world views, I decided not to renew my enlistment for this reason. I understand the conflict in Ukraine is different from the war in Afghanistan but I was drunk as hell and have always resented how a large portion of Americans have this back seat approach to promoting violence around the globe because they’ve never seen it first-hand.

I found out later, after the deployment when I was back in Germany that the manner in which we buried these people was wildly inconsistent with Islamic and Pashtun burial traditions. I couldn’t know that at the time, but I always had a strong suspicion that this event was never made known to the Afghan people to cover up US involvement and questions about the informant network. Especially now that the Taliban are in charge.

I have always had some distinctly personal regrets about the events that led up to this. Part of my job was to coordinate information requests for operational intelligence, and these requests would occasionally require the aid of an informant, although how we got the information was now generally not considered “need to know” for me. I live with the very real possibility that while I was sitting at a desk trying to get juicy bullet points for a PowerPoint presentation I initiated a chain of events that was contributing to gruesome deaths of innocent people.

So yea. Done with that s**t.


Image source: Maddy_Daddy, Martha Dominguez de Gouveia/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

They didn’t tell me this while they were drunk, but I think it fits here. I am a volunteer at a nursing home. When one of the female residents was close to death, she confided it in me this. One time her husband cheated on her with the neighbors wife. When the neighbors husband found out he was very upset and was going to physically hurt her husband. They worked out a deal where the neighbors husband would not hurt her husband if he was able to “return the favor”. In essence her husband agreed to let the neighbor have her in order to save himself a righteous beating. It gets worse, she later became pregnant and told her husband for the rest of his life that it was his, but she honestly believed it to be the neighbors. Her whole life she was carrying this burden about her son and what her husband had done to her, both with the cheating on her and with the trading her off like a cow. It was truly a heartbreaking conversation.


Image source: M0rbidea, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

My mom told me she wished she aborted me when I was 8 or 9 or so.
She’s doing better now after a long struggle with alcoholism. our relationship is much better and when I told her this a few months ago she hugged me tightly and keeps apologizing to this day.

Edit/ thank you so much for the awards! And everyone who relates, I hope you will find peace and love wherever you may go.


Image source: Remarkable_Echo4224, Getty Images/Unsplash (Not the actual photo)

My dad told me while he was drunk that the reason him and my mom divorced is because she slept with his best friend (who is now my step dad and they have my brother).
I nearly f*****g fainted as I spent the last 20 years being lied to as I had no idea.


Image source: RealPokesatsu, Getty Images/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

I was sitting at home when a friend of mine came over s**tfaced. She staggered in and sat down on the couch a few feet from me. She told me something completely f****d up.

“When I was 17, my step dad was drunk and tried to have sex with me because I looked like his dead wife. He kept calling me Abigail, and just wouldn’t let go of me. He kept saying he ‘missed her, and that he loves her, but knew she’d never come back’. He said I reminded him of her to the point he couldn’t help himself. That’s why I never talk about sex stuff with you guys. I lost my virginity out of pity and it left me with so much mental and emotional damage.”

She started crying after that, but I had no idea what to do or say. I was stunned. Then it hit me how she doesn’t talk about her step dad when asked about her family. She said I’m the only one that knows about any of this.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



confession, disturbing, drunk, drunk secrets, intoxicated, secrets, under the influence