20 Signs We Might Be Living In A Collective Dystopian Nightmare Right Now

Published 2 years ago

Though we go about day-to-day life as though everything is normal, once in a way we stop and ask ourselves, is this the best that we can do as a species? There are so many inconsistencies in how we deal with so many things, from discrimination to inequalities to oppressive practices on personal freedoms, and the list goes on. While society is set up in a certain structure it is by no means a perfect system. 

In an attempt to get the conversation going, our team put forth a question to our community at Bored Panda asking people to share their thoughts on what they feel is fundamentally wrong with our current society. The question, “Tell me you are living in a dystopian nightmare without telling me you are living in a dystopian nightmare” sparked an online discussion with some insightful and thought-provoking answers, some of which we’ve listed out below for further pondering. 

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There is a literal war going on in the civilized world, literally one country away from where I live. If the media doesn’t cover it, nobody cares.


Can’t get disability funding without trying all treatments first. Can’t get treatments first without funding.


If I was pregnant after 5 months in my state, I’d have to give birth. Even if it was dangerous to me. Even though I’m barely a legal adult. I’d still be forced to do it.


Having to have multiple roommates as an adult because we can’t afford our own places (and we all have at least one full time job!) I love it here.


I work to try and ensure residents can live without choosing between eating food and heating their homes. I live in a rich country.


The fact that many companies have hidden research results about what they do because it may harm business, even though the business is harmful to the planet or an individual’s health.


I don’t go to the ER because the last time was 8k. People divorce to receive care facilities since it is 20-40k a month


This society for whatever reason sees nothing wrong with lying while advertising. I think it contributes greatly to the overdeveloped egos that rip everybody off.


Thought crimes and new speak. You have to use the correct euphemistic language and dodge around what you’re trying to say or else a hypersensitive social justice warrior will throw a childish tantrum at you. You need to anticipate which euphemisms they prefer, and if you guess right, they will move the goal post and throw a fit at you anyway.


The loss of argument-based discussions – be it online, in public forums or in politics. Having a different opinion or point of view more often leads to ad hominem argumentation or physical attacks nowadays rather than sharing of thoughts backed by facts.

Especially when it comes to politics, it makes the whole situation worse, as ideology-based ruling never turned out good and with extremes getting stronger again it looks quite dark in the future.
(Not taking any side here – all of them are guilty of that)



I make six figures but live paycheck to paycheck, can’t afford a decent 3 BR house without being house poor (I need it as I work from home) and have $130k in student debt owed to the federal government that I will never be able to pay off.


The world is literally burning to the ground because of global warming yet people who don’t even make a living wage spend what little money they have to pay to watch the show of a talentless family and buy their “beauty” products while members of that family take their private jets to destinations they could easily have driven to. Meanwhile I feel guilty if I use a paper plate. Stop funding the K family people, they are scamming you left and right and care about no one but themselves.


The majority of the world is at the mercy of four world leaders who are certifiably mad or who head up autocratic or oligarchic states with nuclear weapons, and we could all be annihilated in a minute if one of them gets sick of playing “Risk” with the others. Wish the entire world would just stand up to these bullies and ostracize them into oblivion.


Billionaires sending phallic shaped space craft to outer space while some people live in extreme poverty.


The country is run by people who are millionaires, telling everyone else that these are “tough times” and they must “cut back” to ensure their continued survival while they live in excess.


Most people do not earn a living wage.


I no longer have bodily autonomy.


I have major medical issues, some of which are genetic, but if I were to become pregnant right now I could be forced to carry a (likely non-viable) baby to term and give birth. So I have decided not to date until the law is reinstated. If I don’t get a choice, the men don’t get a choice with me.


There are women in some parts of my country who still have to get permission from their boyfriends or husbands to get birth control. They also have to fight with pharmacists who are religiously opposed to it to get birth control. And they sometimes have been denied life-improving surgery to have hysterectomies because- whether the woman wants children or not- the doctor doesn’t agree with her not having children.

I live in the US.


George Orwell’s fabulous book ‘1984’ is no longer fiction but a commentary.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



dystopian nightmare, dystopian reality, dystopian society, dystopian theories, dystopian world