40 Funny Facepalm Moments, From This X Page
We all have embarrassing moments aplenty during our lifetimes. Often they keep replaying at unnecessary times like when we are trying to sleep or while having a shower. Usually, the rush of feeling can be overwhelming to the point of heavy cringing and wishing the ground would open up to swallow you whole. Thankfully though, most of our embarrassing moments are in our head so we can move past them as quickly as we master our thoughts.
However, some folks online have not been so lucky and their embarrassing moments have become public fodder. The SorrowMemes account is a page dedicated to sharing those horrifying moments with the general public much to the entertainment of its viewers and us. So scroll below to check out some of the most hilarious moments depicted that are totally facepalm-worthy.
Image source: SorrowMemes
Image source: SorrowMemes
kazuha: wait WHAT NO WAY 😱
Image source: SorrowMemes
CascadedFalls: Ooo, I’ll use this whenever I see someone doing precisely that from now on.
Image source: SorrowMemes
Jared Robinson: Come on, we’ve all been here at some point. Maybe not this exact intersection but one that looked a whole helluva lot like it.
Image source: SorrowMemes
Happy Homemaker: Is it because it got froggy? 😂
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Surenu: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, attributed
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Surenu: Punctuation error. It’s “No, more plastic.”
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StrangePenguin: obviously it is! it was gifted from Van Gogh himself
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VonBlade: “No I in Team”; “No, but there is a ME”
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Shark Lady: Two for the price of one.
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Shark Lady: That’ll do it.
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UndertaleLover (She/Her): In fact if you followed this rule you would be a very bad pirate.
Image source: SorrowMemes
weatherwitch: That’s just horrific if it’s true why aren’t the shelters doing the basic checks that would happen in the UK? Why the fk can’t he provide safety and shelter for them? And if he only wants cats for outside, stop getting them!! I’ve worked with feral colony cats for cats, and this guy makes me feel so angry 😢
Image source: SorrowMemes
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Katie Lutesinger: And humanity’s collective IQ went up by several points.
Image source: SorrowMemes
CascadedFalls: My family members who are past 18 years old, have grown scales that deflect the rain drops that fall.
Image source: SorrowMemes
Cjo: Of course, they live to together, most identical octuplets do. LOL
Image source: SorrowMemes
Roxy222uk: This is something I find incredibly confusing and, I believe, shows completely that race is a social construct. If you have olive skin and black hair, speak Spanish, have a surname like Rodriquez or Hernandez, like to cook tortillas, and live in Europe you are considered white. If you have olive skin and black hair, speak Spanish, have a surname like Rodriquez or Hernandez, like to cook tortillas, and live in the Americas, you are considered a person of colour. I was astonished when Amy, in Superstore, referred to herself as ‘a brown person’. Race has very little to do with DNA and is mostly how the rest of society views you.
Image source: SorrowMemes
kazuha: don’t do drugs kids
Image source: SorrowMemes
Multa Nocte: They probably had subscribed it to Twitter.
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From beyond the Banana Bread: Sorry, not sorry, but I love this.
Image source: SorrowMemes
Sheena: Don’t forget the Mc’Donalds cashier too!
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i.am.lost.: BURNNNNN!
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Pedantic Panda: For when there is a full moon?
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Surenu: Not to make this dark or anything (joke, I am about to make this dark) but if someone threw a bag into the train I’m in I’d be worried at least.
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Lynda Birch: What does your credit card look like daddy?
Image source: SorrowMemes
Hawkmoon: This is the result of a cutting-edge scientific experiment called freezing. Very difficult to reproduce outside of a specialized laboratory. Don’t try this at home!
Image source: SorrowMemes
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: This one is kind of cute. At least he’s not freaked out at the thought of buying tampons.
Image source: SorrowMemes
From beyond the Banana Bread: Oh my god! Nipples! Quick! Let’s show some mindless violence so we don’t damage the fragile little minds of our kids!
Image source: SorrowMemes
UndertaleLover (She/Her) (edited): “Wether Station”
Image source: SorrowMemes
Stygtand: Its australian. I just gonna go back in my corner..
Image source: SorrowMemes
Mr.Li: Watched probably way to many times the shawshank redemption
Image source: SorrowMemes
Ranger Kanootsen: DO NOT GOOGLE BLUE WAFFLE. Big mistake!! Need the eye bleach
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