30 Times People Stumbled Upon The Funniest Amazon Reviews (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

Amazon reviews can be a godsend when online shopping, and can often save you from wasting your money on an item whose price looked a little too good to be true. That is, of course, after you sift through hundreds of useless reviews where people either answer every question with “I don’t know” or try to be as vague as humanly possible. However, on rare occasions you can stumble upon reviews so creative, you can’t help but admire the effort that the reviewer put in.

Reddit users are sharing the funniest Amazon reviews they’ve stumbled upon in the r/AmazonReviews subreddit, and you’ll be surprised how hilariously accurate some of them are. Check out some of the best ones in the gallery below, and if you want more, see our previous post here!

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#1 A Cute Amazon Review I Revisit Just For A Smile. An 88 Year Old Woman And Her 92 Year Old Husband Attend A Halloween Party. Btw They Liked The Bee Costume

Image source: reddit.com

#2 Hilarious!

Image source: dawnmoon13760

#3 Found Last Night When Shopping For A LED Collar For Dog

Image source: USMC_92

#4 Ok, I’m Sold!

Image source: sammybr00ke

#5 Turning A Bad Situation Into A Good Review?

Image source: refresh2glow

#6 Candles Are For Men Too!

Image source: wlwfb10

#7 At Least It’s Keto Friendly…


#8 Just Saw This Today On A Teeth Whitening System

Image source: NVLVS

#9 That Cuts Deep

Image source: quiietuptown

#10 This Review For A Mattress Protector

Image source: HP_andthe_GoT

#11 Definitely Works Well

Image source: titi28044

#12 I Was Searching For Transparent Sewing Thread

Image source: cthulhu-kitty

#13 Man Has Existential Crisis Over Gaffers Tape

Image source: Cboisjolie

#14 50 Lb Pound Of Play Sand Is Heavy And Makes For Great Revenge!

Image source: Orange_Prius

#15 55 Gallons Of Lubricant

Image source: vaderdarthvader

#16 Graphing Calculator

Image source: skdfdfsk

#17 On A Review For Down Pillows… Thanks For The Clarification

Image source: iamnotamangosteen

#18 Can You Replace The Spray

Image source: gabydrt

#19 It’s A Trap!

Image source: ReasonablyRetro

#20 A Shining Dog Probiotic Review

Image source: dustybottomses

#21 “I Should Have Picked A Different Color”

Image source: AzuriteFalc0n

#22 This Made Me Very Happy

Image source: evissimus

#23 No King Lives Forever

Image source: greeker55

#24 Not Entirely Sure This Is For Real

Image source: gdcurl

#25 As Soon As I Started Looking For Googly Eyes, I Knew The Reviews Would End Up Here

Image source: KeeperOfCarl

#26 Rip Bob, The Little Roomba That Couldn’t

Image source: guavamochi

#27 “It’s Lube, Not Much More To Say”

Image source: j_miles

#28 Perhaps Rethink Shipping?

Image source: DarkWaiter

#29 Worked As Advertised

Image source: joemagnus

#30 “World’s Worst Mom”

Image source: cottoncandygumdrop

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Amazon, funny, funny amazon reviews, reviews