50 Incredibly Annoying Things Disliked By Everyone

Published 5 years ago

What’s something that really grinds your gears? Babies crying on planes? People talking during movies? Opening that metal tin of cookies at your grandma’s only to find it full of sewing supplies? Whatever it maybe be, all of us can agree that some things are universally annoying.

Bored Panda has compiled a list of some of the most annoying, anger-inducing things out there. From people who leave rubbish everywhere to inconvenient item designs, most of these things will have you boiling with anger. Check them out in the gallery below!

h/t: Bored Panda

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#1 Every Time

Image source: coliegestudent

#2 Unbelievable

Image source: ajfrancis410

#3 The Worst Part About Job Applications

Image source: Maxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

#4 Why? Why Do I Need An Account Just To Look At Pinterest?

Image source: reddit.com

#5 When A Plug Covers The Outlet Next To It

Image source: bradford2

#6 He Asked Me What The Hell I Was Taking A Picture Of. I Told Him I Was Taking A Pic Of The D-Bag That Needs To Occupy 2 Handicap Spots To Eat Some Fries

Image source: FunkyButter

#7 People Who Make This In Historical Places

Image source: UnaTore

#8 People Who Leave A Train Like This

Image source: HMSBannard

#9 $275 Required Spanish Textbook Is Loose Leaf Paper Wrapped In Cellophane

Image source: Mowenatl

#10 This!

Image source: Bulletz4Brkfst

#11 I Work In A Kitchen. You Have No Idea How Many People Say ‘You Look Like The Guy From Ratatouille’. Every Damn Minute

Image source: zombi3123

#12 People Who Whore Out Unsuspecting Relatives For Virtual Numbers

Image source: VauxhallDigester

#13 Having To Clean Up Someone Else’s Piss So The Person Behind Me Doesn’t Think I Did It

Image source: jameye11

#14 Doctor Appointment At 8:20, Currently 10:00, Still No Sign Of Even A Nurse

Image source: UncleGael

#15 Laptop At The Movies

Image source: alaninspace

#16 Found This Note In My Hotel Bed Last Night

Image source: time2fly80

#17 Went To See Isle Of Dogs Tonight. This Woman Brought Her ~2-Year-Old Son To This PG-13 Movie. When He Started To Cry, Instead Of Taking Him Out, She Put Peppa Pig On Her Phone On High Volume For Him To Watch, Which He Did For The Remaining Hour Of The Movie

Image source: hurtsp

#18 The Hospital “Helping”

Image source: informat2

#19 She Was Snapchating While Driving (40 Mph Road(64.4 Kph)). She Also Had A Little Brother In The Passenger Seat While Doing This. Hate How Often I See People Doing Stuff Like This (Photo Taken By A Passenger Of My Car)

Image source: Judi_Joofer_

#20 The Way My Wife Opens Things

Image source: theDaninDanger

#21 Jerks That Cut In Line

Image source: 0ldBookGlue

#22 This Tape Is Dead To Me

Image source: SpacemanSpiff958

#23 The Fact That We’re Expected To Read These Before Ticking “Yes, I’ve Read And Accept The Terms And Conditions”

Image source: moldy-voldy

#24 When The Fabric Gets Stuck Inside Your Zipper

Image source: zkay

#25 How Did You Get Hired?

Image source: Xtratimesoccer

#26 Why Can’t They Design Their Cables Better?

Image source: god_eater_101

#27 Oh, I Have Too Many E-Mails In My Inbox? Why Don’t You Send Me An E-Mail About It Everyday

Image source: AgainAndAgain_

#28 I Counted 29 Items. I Had One

Image source: mrjarod

#29 When You Tear Exactly Where It Says To, But The Bag Remains Sealed

Image source: imgur.com

#30 “I Guess I’ll Just Buy Another Thing To Knock Down The Candy B….”

Image source: Netsuko

#31 This Pistachio Eating A**hole

Image source: MemeHermetic

#32 Walmart Should Stop Selling Fish

Image source: jdog2590

#33 When Water Adheres Down The Side Of The Glass

Image source: Happy_quack

#34 When This S**t Happens

Image source: thebiggiecheese0414

#35 As An Usher, People Who Do This

Image source: EduardoG4700

#36 When You Buy The Old Neighborhood Drug House

Image source: poor-unfortunatesoul

#37 After Trying For 7 Years, I Finally Placed In My Age Group – Coming In First! I Asked A Bystander To Capture My Triumph

Image source: Fuzznuts1

#38 My Receipt For Buying One Bottle Of Vegetable Oil At CVS (100 Lb Dog For Scale)

Image source: mcjacver

#39 Every Single Time

Image source: Kappn-

#40 These Tiny Cuts That Randomly Show Up And Itch Like Hell

Image source: yuech3n

#41 My View Of Metallica From The Handicapped Section At Commonwealth Stadium In Edmonton. 7 Hour Drive For This

Image source: doctajones1989

#42 These Long Stairs That Require You To Have Either One Awkwardly Long Stride Or Two Awkwardly Short Strides For Each Step

Image source: ruinrunner

#43 When Washing Your Car And A Guy Parks Behind You, Instantly Gets Out And Impatiently Crosses His Arms

Image source: LUT0

#44 Then Why The Hell Are They Printing It In Full Colour?

Image source: GRat9717

#45 I Don’t Get It How This Happens Everytime

Image source: nakidsnek

#46 At My Local CVS, Pushing This Button Announces Over The PA System To The Entire Store “A Customer Requires Assistance In The Family Planning Department.” The Shelves Are Only About 5 Feet High, So Almost Everyone In The Store Can Look Over While You Awkwardly Wait For An Employee To Open The Case

Image source: Diader

#47 This Lady Watching A Beach Wedding

Image source: Calego

#48 I Hate UPS Just A Little Bit More Every Day

Image source: god_dammit_dax

#49 This Lift’n’Peel Bulls**t

Image source: CactusCait

#50 “Thanks Man, I’ll Give Your Headphones Back In A Few Days!”

Image source: PugsNotDrugs2017

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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annoying things, infuriating things, irritating things, mildly infuriating