30 Times People Totally Nailed Amazon Reviews

Published 5 years ago

Reviews are a great way for people to find out more about products they want to purchase from people who actually tried them. And some reviewers actually put in the effort to write reviews that help you choose a product and make sure to give you a nice laugh while they’re at it.

From wholesome selfie stick reviews to hilarious $16,000 speaker reviews, these people really let their creative juices flow when leaving Amazon reviews. Check out the best ones in the gallery below!


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#1 Breeding M&M’s

Image source: amazon.com

#2 What A Pure Man

Image source: amazon.com

#3 Found On A 72 Pack Of Kazoos

Image source: amazon.com

#4 Happy You Pregnant!

I bet this guy could have used it too.

Image source: amazon.com

#5 3 Sky Airplane For Boys – Dangerous For Girls

Image source: amazon.com

#6 Beds Should Look Like Beds

Image source: amazon.com

#7 A Review Of Those Incredibly Spicy Noodles

Image source: amazon.com

#8 5/5

Image source: amazon.com

#9 Fair Point

Image source: amazon.com

#10 The Nightmare Fuel Of Amazon Reviews

Image source: amazon.com

#11 50 Ways To Eat Cock: Healthy Chicken Recipes

Image source: amazon.com

#12 Toddler Rages Against The Machine

Image source: amazon.com

#13 Trimmers And Toilet Talk

Image source: amazon.com

#14 No Complaints

Image source: amazon.com

#15 Keeps The Car Cool, But Has Issues

Image source: amazon.com

#16 Review On A Roku Streaming Stick

Image source: amazon.com

#17 Alex Jones Coloring Book Review

Image source: amazon.com

#18 5 Stars For Sending Them To The Hospital

Image source: amazon.com

#19 Senior Woman With Asthma Wall Decal

Image source: amazon.com

#20 Yodelling Pickle

Image source: amazon.co.uk

#21 Was Looking For A Jump Rope

Image source: catneap

#22 Argumentatively Better Than An Apple Watch The Way This Guy Sells It

Image source: amazon.com

#23 Wife Leaves Husband For Printer

Image source: amazon.com

#24 That’s All I Wanted To Know

Image source: ofinconsequence

#25 True Love Still Exists

Image source: amazon.com

#26 $16,000 Speakers

Image source: amazon.com

#27 Crafting With Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts To Make With Your Cat

These ladies have probably read this.

Image source: amazon.com

#28 Ho Ho… Oh

Image source: thecoffinfairy

#29 Bunch Of Reviews For These Fake Flower Petals That Apparently Have A Strong Odor. This One’s Pretty Good

#30 This 5-Star Verified Review Of Noise Canceling Headphones

Image source: PooYaKasha

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Amazon, best amazon product reviews, best amazon reviews, funny, funny amazon product reviews, funny amazon reviews, funny product reviews, hilarious amazon product reviews, hilarious amazon reviews, hilarious product reviews