30 Bizarre, Funny, And Interesting Things Found While Renovating A Home

Published 2 years ago

Old buildings are filled with secrets and stories of their former residents. These secrets sometimes resurface when someone new moves to these houses and starts renovating the building.

We have compiled a list of interesting things spotted and captured by people online while renovating their homes. Check out some of the most fascinating ones in the gallery below.

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#1 Collection Of Reference Seeds Found In My Grandad’s Attic

Image source: HungryBanana07

#2 Took A Radiator Off The Wall To Decorate And Found This Ancient, Alien Invasion Wallpaper

Image source: glasgowwelder

#3 We Tore Up Some Carpeting In Our House Expecting Concrete But Instead Found This 70’s Masterpiece

Image source: CallistoChemical

#4 I Took A Knife To The Lino In The Bathroom And Found The Original Edwardian Tiles. My Great Great Grandmother Was A Housemaid Here In Cupar In The 1880s

Image source: katecowcher

#5 While Re-Mortaring An Old Brick Wall Inside A Building, I Found A Loose Brick. This Note Was Behind It. 32 Years. Added My Name And Date, Then Mortared It Up Again

Image source: tomkzinti

#6 I Took A Wall Out Of My Closet And Found A Makeshift Passageway. With A Large, Heavy, Creepy Basket In It. And The Basket Was Not Empty

Image source: codymanboy, codymanboy

#7 My Friend Found An Invite To Walt Disney’s Daughter’s Wedding While Renovating His House In LA

Image source: jmlwant

#8 This Yardstick I Found In My Attic Is Old Enough To Have A 1 Digit Phone Number

Image source: Cog_HS

#9 Renovating My Bedroom And Found This

Image source: TinTinmwt

#10 Found A Steam Room And Hot Tub In My Basement, Behind A Wall During Demolition

Image source: FeedtheFat

#11 Refitting Our New Houses Loft (Attic) And Found £500 Of 1981 Currency Wrapped In Insulation

Image source: Furryxian

#12 My Wife And I Are Upgrading Our Kitchen. We Found This Fossil Under The Floor Boards

Image source: cameronsounds

#13 Restoring My 1880 Victorian House And Found This Vibrant Tile Original To The Home After Partially Removing A Faux Fireplace

Image source: cannm, cannm

#14 My 84-Year-Old Father Is Renovating His House. Hidden Behind The Wallpaper He Found These Wall Murals, Which He Believes Are From 1912

Image source: NulloK

#15 Demo Team Pulled This Out Of A Fireplace In A 1950s House We Are Renovating

Image source: Ok_Leadership_8666

#16 While Tearing Up Their Carpet, My In-Laws Found A Giant Monopoly Board

Image source: Yamaha234

#17 Found 83 Gold Coins At The Bottom Of A Coal Container After Renovating The House

Image source: DiaBoLo73

#18 Found These (On The Left) Under Old Carpet When We Got Stairs Re-Carpeted. 10 Months After We Moved In Found “Minton” Or Possibly “Pugin” Tiles In The Hallway Under A Laminate

Image source: claire_flynn

#19 Twitter User Finds A Secret Hiding Place In His Walls While Renovating, Inside Was A Children’s Book Of Poems From 1835

Image source: asmeesh

#20 Found A Suitcase In The Attic Of My Dad’s Old Comic Books. Most Of Them Seem To Be Marvel Dated In The 70s

Image source: Bloxicorn

#21 Found A Beehive While Renovating An Old House

Image source: blokeman

#22 My Grandfather And I, Found A WWII Purple Heart While Renovating A House He Just Bought

Image source: OnlyZuul666

#23 There’s A Dried Flower In This 165 Years Old Latin Book I Just Found In Our Attic

Image source: yepjeeway

#24 Found In A Wall In Vermont

Image source: Stalliewag

#25 Found A Hidden Attic While Doing A Renovation. It Was A Door To A Hidden Room With Old War Time Newspapers, An Old Bed And Old Photos On The Walls

Image source: lordjayy

#26 Renovation Find

Image source: alpalal

#27 Was Helping To Clean Out An Old Mansion In Minnesota And Found This Civil War Letter In The Attic. He’s Saying That The War Will Be Over Soon And He Will Be Coming Home

Image source: tenglempls

#28 Day 1 – It Was An Unbelievably Exciting Morning When We Discovered This Gem Hidden Behind Various Layers Of Plaster And Wallpaper In The Master Bedroom

Image source: southview.cottage.renovation

One of the things I was hoping for when purchasing a period property was to find little surprises like this this will become a little project of mine to restore back to its former glory, we are thinking of moving it into the dining area to become a key feature in our living space.

#29 Found Original Homeowner In The Walls Of A Teardown

Image source: widewhiskers

#30 Found An Old Monopoly Set In The Walls Of My 1925 House

Image source: murphman84

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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home renovation, interesting finds, interesting home renovation finds, old house finds, things found during renovation, things found in old houses