20 Times Greedy Preachers Were Exposed For Wearing Expensive Clothes
What image comes to your mind when you think of the word “pastor”? Most likely a modest man in a long robe with a bible in his hands or something similar, right? Well, turns out that that’s not always the case – and one Instagram out there is proving that some preachers out there are far from being modest.
The Instagram account in question run by Ben Kirby is titled Preachers N Sneakers, and regularly exposes the hypocritical ‘pastors’ that preach about modesty and fear of God while rocking thousand-dollar Louis Vuitton jackets and Gucci slippers. See the greedy pastors exposed by this Instagram account in the gallery below!
More info: Instagram | PreachersNSneakers.com | Book
#1 Prophet Bryan Maldonado Keepin That King Jesus International 501c3 Status Intact In The Royal Blue Lv Runners $1,020
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#2 Old Pic, Timeless Style With Pastor John Gray In The Supreme X Louis V Jacquard Denim Parka $9,625
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#3 Here Is A Supreme Beach Ball, $125
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#4 Hillsong Teaching Pastor Nathan Finochio Bringing It At #colourconf 2019 In Some Ferociously Fab Tiger Slides. Gucci Slipper $1,100
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#5 Pastor Mike Todd Staying Anchored In The Balenciaga Triple S $1,090
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#6 Mosaic Mexico Pastor Emerson Nowotny Keepin The Tide Pen Handy While Rocking This Super Fresh Supreme X Louis V Tee $1,407
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#7 Pastor Maldonado Stayin Ricci In Good Works While Sporting The Primo Belt Of Truth. Stefano Ricci Belt $2,541
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#8 Pastor Troy Gramling Back At It Again With The Super Breathable Givenchy Hoodie $1,240
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#9 Flannel But Make It Fashun. Gucci Jacket $2,580
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#10 If Retail On The Kicks You’re Wearing Is $2k And The Resale Market Is Paying $8-9k, What Are Your Shoes Worth? Jordan 1 Retro High Dior $8,100
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#11 Jordan 1 Retro High $4,005
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#12 Y’all Busting These Out If Your Family Gettin The Inaug? Jordan 1 Retro High Dior $7,210
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#13 Here’s A Fendi Hoodie $1,290
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#14 Pastor Judah (Smith) And The Lion Of All Gucci Jackets. $3,600
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#15 Pastor Furtick With The Fully-Realized Adam-And-Yves Saint Laurent Blessings On Feet $1,095
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#16 Pastor John Gray With Relentless Details! Givenchy Sweatshirt $1,145
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#17 Pastor Troy (Gramling) Likes His Tees The Same Way He Likes His Digiorno: Supreme. $1,550
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#18 The Lord Works In Mysterious Color Combinations. Lv Sweatshirt $725, Air Force 1 Sneakers $1,145
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#19 We’re One Week In And Bishop Td Jakes Has Already Secured The Bag To Secure A Bag. Christian Louboutin Belt Bag $1,250
Image source: preachersnsneakers
#20 Pastor Jimmy Rollins In The Union Air Jordan 1s And The Crease That Surpasses All Understanding, $1,250
Image source: preachersnsneakers
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