25 Of The Most Awesome Petty Revenge Plans Executed By People
It’s not exactly healthy to react to someone who is annoying you with petty revenge, but if it’s done correctly, we can all appreciate some subtle payback plans a little bit at least.
Seeking revenge can be a means to teaching someone a lesson, or just letting someone know that their behaviour was not okay with you. Either way, the following collection of petty revenge tales are absolutely delicious for those of us who want to live vicariously or are looking for some inspiration for our own petty revenge plans.
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Image credits: fuzzymittens
Image source: punker308
Catherine: This. This is the level of petty I’m here for 😂🤌
Image source: MHPoison1
Image source: jessicaklowe
KinoEel: Cheaters never win
Image source: carwraek
Vasana Phong: A whole year??!! I would’ve done this 3 months in
Image source: babybeginner
Image source: JulieMontoya20
Image source: Elke96652130
Heather Evans: Wine snobs are the worst!!! This is gold
Image source: peachesanscream
Image source: amybarnes_usa
DarkViolet: Proof positive that you CAN fight City Hall!
Image source: ksjojo
Image source: slayerfest1999
nomnomborkbork: However many generations that is, I hope the story is always told with it.
Image source: sciencechick1
nomnomborkbork: Only fitting.
Image source: MissesDread
Heather Evans: Question .. why didn’t your hubby do this?? It’s HIS friend! I need an update on the status of this marriage
Image source: StarLasswell1
VioletHunter: I would have sold those for the money they were worth.
Image source: nebraska508
Hphizzle: My kind of petty. No, you don’t get the pretty, big bow. You get the bent ugly one. My revenge is hard to recover from. At least in my head, it is.
Image source: eesgreene
Image source: IndyJULES07
Catherine: I’m here for petty but this one is evil. Google password is everything 😭
Image source: nora_batty_
Image source: RevivalCare
Ripley: Habanero sauce would be better. Firstly, immediate effect, and secondly, the laxative thing is a bit icky (and has been done to death).
Image source: homesbydonna101
Image source: LorriNielsen
BTDubs: The Barney song is literally torture.
Image source: fuk_it_tol
Image source: PamelaL35720112
Image source: keyladelslay
Cyber Returns: I’m the sort of person who will respect another persons life choices but become petty when they don’t respect mine
Image source: makettlesplace
Heather Evans: I want to hear all the stories ..
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