Indonesian Government Spends $22k Dollars Creating A Rainbow Village, And Internet Is Divided

Published 6 years ago


Kampung Pelangi, a small village in Indonesia, has transformed itself into a true rainbow village with its whimsical designs, and its a huge departure from its former state of squalor. The Indonesian government has decided to spend over $22k on this magnificent makeover in order to restore Kampung Pelangi’s status since it has been known for a long time as a degraded slum. This whole project was inspired by junior high principal Slamet Widodo who has taken an example of at least 3 other towns in the country that have adopted a similar makeover.

This makeover has definitely attracted a lot of tourists, especially the ones that are trying to make their Instagram feed a bit more colorful. The Indonesian Builders Association states that this $22k investment has already paid off with local businesses growing and new souvenir shops opening. But not everyone online agrees that this type of a makeover will change this village’s status of being a dangerous and degraded area.

Some people went online to say that the only thing that has changed after this makeover is the colors of the walls and that the overall status of this area being dangerous has remained the same. Others completely disagreed with this opinion saying that this type of change creates an overall beautiful aura that can only be a good impact, it also attracts way more tourist attention than it has ever before this way also improving village’s financial state.

This makeover leaves Internet divided whether or not this type of change will actually have an impact for the locals in the long run but it sure looks beautiful and people cannot stop taking pictures of it. Scroll down to see this unique village yourself!


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Kampung Pelangi, a small village in Indonesia, has transformed itself into a true rainbow village

Image credits: anomharyaarieprakhman

The Indonesian government has decided to spend over $22k on this magnificent makeover in order to restore villages’ status since it has been known for a long time as a degraded slum

Image credits: arieprakhman

This whole project was inspired by junior high principal Slamet Widodo who has taken an example of at least 3 other towns in the country that have adopted a similar makeover

Image credits: TripAdvisor

This makeover has definitely attracted a lot of tourists, especially the ones that are trying to make their Instagram feed a bit more colorful

Image credits: kingkin.kin

In addition to filling the town with art, residents will also undertake the cleaning of the nearby river

Image credits: TripAdvisor

This rapid influx of visitors has led to a jump in local food and souvenir sales, benefiting the local economy

Image credits: anakhitssemarang

But not everyone online agrees that this type of a makeover will change this village’s status as a dangerous and degraded area

Image credits: jalidin

Some people went online to say that painting the buildings rainbow won’t change the overall status of this area, it being dangerous and poor

While others praised this initiative

What do you think? Will this type of change have a positive impact on the community?

Rugile Matuseviciute

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inodnesia rainbow village, kampung pelangi, rainbow village, slum turned rainbow village