Man Finds Dead Worm In His Cucumber, And Tesco’s Response Will Go Down To PR History

Published 8 years ago

Have you ever had an awful customer service experience? Of course you have. Sometimes you don’t even report your problem just to avoid dealing with the reluctant agent on the other end of the line. But when Wes Metcalfe found a worm on his freshly bought cucumber, he did reach out, and Tesco’s assistant Rob couldn’t be happier to offer his help.

Inspired by the viral complaint about Aldi’s banana spiders, Wes wrote a fully-fledged story about a worm he called William, who found a home in a cucumber Wes just bought from Tesco. He then published the story on Tesco’s Facebook wall, and the response he’s got was nothing short of EPIC.

More info: facebook (h/t: boredpanda)

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When Wes Metcalfe found a worm in his cucumber, he wrote to Tesco to complain


“We decided to name him William,” he wrote. “Our new pet appeared to be very unresponsive”


Rob from Tesco customer care replied shortly after, and his “heartfelt” response was hilarious


Metcalfe then sent Rob a funeral update which included a poem of his own


He even sent a picture of William’s funeral complete with a popsicle stick cross!


And as you can see, things escalated pretty quickly from there…





The humorous exchange has been liked more than 80,000 times on Facebook


Many people have suggested that Rob deserves a promotion, and we couldn’t agree more


For more people who put a fun twist on their jobs, take a look at this sticky notes war between neighboring offices.


In cahoots with the secret orde...
With nobody. In cahoots with nobody.

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bug in cucumber, funny customer complaint, funny tesco complaint, rob tesco customer care, tesco, tesco customer care, wes metcalfe, worm in cucumber, worm in cucumber complaint