Guy Makes Claim That Only “Men Of The West” Could Create Such Art, Gets What He Deserves

Published 6 years ago

When it comes to Internet, you know everyone is going to have an opinion about every single thing. But what happens when you post your opinion without checking a single fact? Well, this guy learned his lesson the hard way by posting a sexist comment online and completely regretting it moments letter.

Ivan Throne went on Twitter to share what he believes is true art by posting a picture of a stunning sculpture. There’s nothing wrong with that, you might think, but his comment said that the sculpture is ‘legacy and heritage of the West’ and he claimed that only ‘Men of the West’ can create this kind of a masterpiece. Ivan Thorne’s tweet was quickly shut down by another Twitter user. Scroll down to see what happens when you don’t double-check your facts!

More info: Twitter


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Take a look at this gorgeous sculpture that lately has been receiving a lot of attention online

So, some people decided to compliment this work of art in the rudest way possible

But one Twitter user was not having it as he pointed out its actual origins

The artist behind this sculpture is Luo Li Rong

She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Beijing, and even did a few sculptures for the 2008 Olympics!

Other people also felt the need to share their opinions about the story

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ignorant art critic, ignorant critic, Ivan Throne, Luo Li Rong, sculpture, western art, western men, western sculpture