20 Times Hospitals Surprised Their Patients With The Worst Meals
Let’s face it: a hospital is no 5-star restaurant. But that doesn’t mean the patients shouldn’t receive a decent meal after their surgeries – or at least that’s what you and I think. However, the reality is that some hospitals will serve absolutely anything to their patients, even if it outright looks like slop. And the patients are tired of being quiet.
People are sharing pictures of the worst food they received in hospitals, and it’s hard to imagine anything less appetizing. From uncooked frozen meatloaves to stuff that looks like toxic sludge, check out a collection of hilariously terrible hospital food in the gallery below!
#1 What You Get For Breakfast In A Hungarian Hospital
Image source: abraabraka
#2 Hospital Food Yummy
Image source: Mattho
It’s mashed potatoes, something you’d feed to your bunny (or is it some kind of chicken pellets?), and water I guess?
#3 Hospital Administration Told Us They’d Be Treating Us To Dinner During Our Shift. “Dinner” Is One Individual, Frozen, Uncooked Meatloaf Per Person. This Is Georgia
Image source: reddit.com
Happy nurse’s week, y’all.
#4 Dinner In Irish Maternity Hospital
Image source: pockets3d
#5 This Hospital In USA Failed
Image source: AliMaadelat
#6 Since We’re Posting Our Hospital Meals (UK)
Image source: Buddahfinger666
#7 This Is The Meal My Wife’s Hospital Had The Audacity To Serve For Nurses Appreciation Week. I Live In Phoenix
Image source: colton310
After a year nurse shortages, running out of PPE, working employees to the bone without hazard pay.
#8 Hospital Food In Italy
Image source: RonaldTheGiraffe
#9 Can You Identify My Austrian Hospital Food?
Image source: malta3
A good guess might be “depression”, but actually, it was some sort of cow paste (it immediately fell apart, it was basically the consistency of mousse) in paprika sauce, mashed potato, and mushy pea purée.
#10 “Lasagna” According To Adventist Hospital
Image source: OpheliaMorningwood
#11 A Hospitals Take On Vegetarian Cuisine. Germany
Image source: FurFlux
#12 Hospital Lunch In Romania
Image source: Andrei144
#13 My First Meal In A Week, At A Hospital For Meningitis, Entertain Me, Please. Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Image source: Sivispacemparabellum
#14 Celebratory Steak Dinner Offered By Hospital For Proud Mother And Father
Image source: Johnmcguirk
#15 Hospital Breakfast
Image source: anuncommontruth
It’s baked eggs covered with American cheese.
#16 My Breakfast Today In The Hospital. Dry Bread, One Slice Of American Cheese, Bit Of Jam, Sugar And Milk For Instant Coffee. It’s Not Prison, Just A Belgian Hospital
Image source: Gordondel
#17 This Veggie Burger Was Served To Me In The Hospital. 10/10 For Presentation
Image source: tveir
#18 Vegetarian Meal Sent Up For My Friends Hospital Meal
Image source: Yauchness
#19 The Toasts One Of My Patients Got At The Hospital For Breakfast
Image source: alternageek2
#20 Yesterday’s Hospital Breakfast In Chicago. The Garnish Really Makes It
Image source: jjjkkkjkjk
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