25 People Reveal The Things They’re Convinced No One Actually Enjoys

Published 1 month ago

We all have those moments where we wonder if everyone around us is truly enjoying certain things or if they’re just pretending to fit in. Recently, someone posed an intriguing question on Reddit: “What is something you are convinced that people only PRETEND to enjoy?”

The responses flooded in, with people sharing their candid opinions on activities, experiences, and trends they believe are more about social appearances than genuine enjoyment. Here’s a look at some of the most popular and relatable answers.

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Image source: QueenMaya2, Kampus Production / pexels (not the actual photo)

Being sung by a group of people Happy Birthday to You.


Image source: wowza6969420, Avery Arwood / pexels (not the actual photo)

Stanley cups. The design is literally so stupid. It’s annoying to have to hold the weight of a full water bottle with your wrist. I would rather have a water bottle that has a handle on top so I can carry it comfortably.


Image source: NippleMuncher42069, Orlando Ferguson / wikipedia

Flat earth theory.

I’m entirely convinced no one is that stupid and theyre just acting to be a part of something.


Image source: sicksquid75, fauxels / pexels (not the actual photo)

Staff team building and bonding.


Image source: mrsock_puppet, Jerome Govender / pexels (not the actual photo)

Going to night clubs.


Keeping Up With the Kardashians. Watched it with my college roommates a couple of times and I was just like “I don’t get it” the entire time. I am really big into makeup and I found two of Kylie’s lip kits very discounted (ten dollars a piece when they were normally going for thirty dollars a piece) and I really didn’t get the appeal. I saw a conspiracy theory on a different subreddit saying that Kylie’s makeup line is a money laundering scheme at this point and that is something that I could actually get behind!

Image source: SuperKatie64


Showering with your partner. Like I have things to do here and you’re in my way.

Image source: ERaye1994


Image source: Hells-Bellz, Leah Newhouse/ pexels (not the actual photo)



NASCAR. I’m convinced people only watch for the chance of crashes, there’s no way watching cars go in the same loop for 2 hours is actually entertaining.

Image source: bjuhl472


Image source: ZapatillaLoca, KoolShooters / pexels (not the actual photo)

Influencer lifestyles.. especially things like van life. You see them all smiles in their pics, but you know they are hating every minute of it.


Image source: Opening-Future3991, cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

Poly relationships.


I have several friends who all tried poly relationships at some point in their life and every single one ended in disaster, and whenever they were all together in the same room at least one person looked like they were miserable and pretending to be ok with what was going on.
Someone always got jealous or someone cheated. Or it was an excuse for 3-4 people to fuck each other for a few months until someone got bored and the people that were actually into it got hurt.
I’m not saying it can’t work, but I have seen zero evidence that it does. I also feel like long-term monogamous relationships are hard, why would adding another person into that relationship make things better or easier?


Image source: victorbarst, RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

Super hot stuff. A little hot sauce from time to time adds a fun kick to some foods. But at a certain point you stop tasting 90% of what you’re eating and are just trying to withstand the ridiculous ghost reaper of death evil wing sauce that you put on your wings to look manlier I guess.


Image source: kmga43, ???? / pexels (not the actual photo)

Gender reveal parties.


Image source: AdDifferent4711, Marlene Leppänen / pexels (not the actual photo)

Loud AF music at social events.


Image source: LostLadyA, Kristina Polianskaia / pexels (not the actual photo)

High heels. I’ve never been able to wear with without crazy pain – no matter which ones I’ve tried!


Image source: TheBatSignal, Pixabay / pexels (not the actual photo)

Ridiculously loud cars even when they are driving slow.

I know it’s always going to be easier on the person making the sound but they got to find it annoying when other cars are loud to a corny level.


Image source: Audiene, Estefanía Fernandez / pexels (not the actual photo)

Thong underwear and cheeky swimsuits.


Image source: beeedeee, Brett Sayles / poexels (not the actual photo)

Freestyle jazz music. To me, it sounds like a bunch of guys with instruments, each doing their own warmup routine while standing on the stage together. Doesn’t feel like a tune as much as it does noise.


Image source: OIL_OF_OLAY, Capotina Entretenimientos / pexels (not the actual photo)

Clowns. Just, clowns.


Image source: Mrslee1317, MART PRODUCTION / pexels (not the actual photo)

5 a.m. work outs.


Bob Dylan’s voice (not his lyrics or compositions).

Image source: kewlacious


Having BUSY Social Lives with always having s**t to do/attend to, etc…etc…

Image source: WARMASTER5000


The sitcom Friends.

Painfully unfunny.

Image source: fluffyphillips


Image source: Mediocre_Can_2701, Alexander Suhorucov / pexels (not the actual photo)

Listening to people at work describing their weekends, especially on a Monday.


Image source: IrianJaya, Vlad Vasnetsov / pexels (not the actual photo)

Parades. It’s just people walking by.

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

Got wisdom to pour?



fake liking, opinions, people, people pretend to enjoy, things noone really likes