“Armpit Hair Is Lovely”: 25 Feminine Norms Women Are Excited To Disrupt
Society has dictated how women should comport themselves for centuries. But a lot has changed over time, though admittedly, there are still many archaic notions that need to be dealt with. For far too long, women have been told that body hair is unsightly or that they need to be demure. Indeed, the list of expectations can seem interminably long.
However, the AskWomen community has recently been trending online for sharing some strong opinions on what feminine traits women are taught by society are inappropriate but that they happen to love within themselves. These ladies expressed how their simple likes have been judged as unladylike, and the pressures to be a homemaker, not too independent and non-confrontational were some of the aspects that women felt needed to change to reflect modern thinking. Scroll to read how women expressed that they should be free to dress, work, and even speak the way they want to without being shamed for it, as per the opinions shared in the gallery below.
More info: Reddit
Image source: DimmyMoore70, freepik
That I love being alone, in my own company. I do have a handful of close friends, but I prefer my own company above all others. I never get lonely and I never get bored. I don’t understand someone who wants to be around another person 24-7 like in a marriage. I lived with someone for 8 years when I was in my 20’s and NEVER EVER again. I’ve had relationships here and there over the years but am never looking to be in one. This seems to baffle so many people.
Image source: BarbarianFoxQueen, freepik
Being childfree and happy.
Image source: _so_anyways_, freepik
I’m a very direct and assertive woman. Growing up I was told that it wasn’t ladylike and that I needed to tone it down. I’m no longer that little girl but a direct and assertive woman. It’s served me well my whole life and I’m happy I never listened to those comments.
Image source: need_a_nap_asap, freepik
I love having sex, I loved sleeping around when I was single, I am super sexually liberated and I have no shame about it.
Image source: XPrincessKitx, vkstudio / freepik
So many times I’ve been told I won’t get married if I don’t change the way I speak or live. People would say things like, ‘Men don’t like women with careers,’ or ‘You’re too independent.’
Well, I’m still not married, and I absolutely love it. I get to do everything I want, and I’m completely in love with myself. 🥰
Image source: little_traveler, Racool_studio / freepik
Having a “high body count.” I enjoyed myself a lot in my 20s and have zero regrets. I went on lots of dates, met a lot of interesting people, learned a lot about people, had a lot of fun, and tried out everything I wanted to try. I feel calm in my 30s knowing that my sexual curiosities were fulfilled.
Image source: LeighofMar, Photo By: Kaboompics.com / pexels
Being ambitious, being in charge of the finances. Not scared to take risks.
Image source: ZebLeopard, Drazen Zigic / freepik
Being confrontational. It’s not that I go out and look to have a fight, but I will speak up about annoying behaviour when others are too afraid to do so. I’ve been called quite a few b-words because of it, but I don’t care.
Image source: FloweryNamesLover, freepik
I have zero interest in sex, romantic relationships, or children. I keep getting told I’ll change my mind or I’m a naive young person but I don’t care.
Image source: PreppyHotGirl, freepik
This might sound kind of shallow but my height and flat chest! I was insecure about it for the longest time because people always say that women who are tall and/or have no chest are “just men” but more recently I’ve started to love it! I’m a runner and do cross country and track and field for my college and my body is so functional for my sport!
Image source: beelovedone, kues1 / freepik
I’m not nice. I’m kind, and thoughtful. But I am not nice, and I love that for me. I think more women should try not being so damn nice to everyone all the time.
I say NO often, and often with no explanation or context….because sometimes a NO is just that.
Image source: IrritatedMango, allahstockspic / freepik
Being ecstatic at the idea I may possibly never marry and will end up in an apartment full of cats and dogs.
Image source: just_real_quick, katemangostar / freepik
Being direct in the workplace. I don’t always say good morning, how was your weekend, sorry to bother you, blah blah – I just ask my question plainly or speak up whenever I feel like something needs to be said, especially when everyone is thinking something but no one has the balls [pun intended] to say it. People may not always like it but I know damn sure they respect it.
I’m like this in my personal life, too. I just say the damn thing or ask for what I want to know so there is no ambiguity. I have no patience for passive-aggressive behavior, it causes so many problems in relationships (familial or otherwise).
No one every has to wonder where they stand with me. Confrontation doesn’t bother me and it doesn’t have to be contentious – it’s just the most open, direct, effective way of dealing with an issue.
Image source: GeraldoLucia, SkelDry / freepik
People are starting to get a little worried that I’m now in my thirties, unmarried, and have no kids.
I have spent 31 years of my life doing what I want, when I want, how I want. I’m comfortable financially. I’m happy. I have a wonderful group of friends.
I don’t really want a spouse. S**t, now that I’m in my thirties and my libido’s calmed the hell down I don’t even want to date anymore. I’m a very happy auntie just living my best life
Image source: MamaShayShay92, freepik
Man spreading. Like, it’s just a comfortable way to sit
Image source: ColdPeak7750, freepik
I have a deep voice. Which I adore, but it’s definitly not something society wishes for in a woman.
Image source: onlyhalfvampire, freepik
Woodworking, doing (minor) work on appliances/cars, using power tools, etc.
I have been building furniture and fixing up random things here and there around the house. When people ask what I have been up to, what my hobbies are, etc, and I tell them, at least half of the responses I get are “ugh, why don’t you let your husband do that?”
The simple answer is this: because people still ask me that.
I also love baking, sewing, and s**t like that, but those are things I feel pressure/obligation to be good at. Building/fixing s**t is a task that I am not *expected* to be able to do, and excelling at it (or even just managing it at all) makes my dopamine go bzzzzzzt. It’s a thrill, not a chore.
Image source: Neat-Calendar-7139, freepik
Being a lesbian, having tattoos, being masculine, not caring for men’s opinions or wanting to be with men or ever needing them, fishing, hiking, hunting, camping, driving fast cars, long boarding, landscaping, mechanics, working with tools, fixing my own s**t and wanting to disable the patriarchy
Image source: enbyous_analog, ArthurHidden / freepik
I like being tall, 5’11”. I look like a super model mixed with an Amazon.
Image source: riles-s, gpointstudio / freepik
I don’t smile a lot. It’s just exhausting. Even at work. I’ll occasionally flash a smile to customers and just people in general that I have a favorable attitude towards, but for the most part, straight-faced and just trying to get through the day. My voice is also a little lower naturally and I don’t make an effort as much anymore to speak in a super cheery, high-pitched voice.
On top of that, I’m not very fond of men and I’d be completely fine with never having a partner. I love my independence and alone time a lot.
Image source: IrememberedU, jcomp / freepik
Learning stuff that society only expects men to do, for example, changing a flat tire or fixing what’s broken…because I realized how essential these tasks were for any individual alongside being able to cook and to take good care of myself.
Image source: stephanieeelewis, freepik
Not shaving my legs for months at a time, specially during winter, I couldn’t care less!
Image source: TwirlyGirl313, freepik
Menswear. I love a good 3 piece suit; I look so hot!
Image source: saturatedregulated, freepik
In my 30s I decided to start lifting weights. Then I started competing in powerlifting competitions. I had the time of my life! And the confidence boost was so addicting. I’d think to myself, “wait, I just squatted 396lbs in front of an audience and I don’t think I can apply for this job? Get outta here!”
Also – having very visible tattoos, being child free (and surgically making sure of that), owning a home by myself (I’m on my 3rd one), owning my 2nd pitbull, not being overtly feminine, cursing a lot, etc.
Image source: Hikari3747, jorfer / freepik
Having b**bs bigger than D.
People both men and women will assume you’re a sl*t or loose because your body decide to develop more than the norm.
If Breast size was correlated with how much sex you had; wouldn’t p*rn star be attached to wheel barrel to wheel their “sex counter” around. Oddly enough, many of the popular ones are in the small size or get breast implants around a D cup.
Proving that breast size has no relation to sexually activity.
Breast are marks of women hood, motherhood, sexual maturity and fertility.
It’s insane that modern society now deem larger breast as obscene or “too much” when they were celebrate on the past to be able to feed one child or other children who lose their mothers to young.
No one has a choice in their breast size and there very little correlation between weight and breast tissue. There are women who fit in Xsmall where size 32F bras, and women wearing size 24 with 42B bra.
The biggest thing that changes with weight lost/gain is the band size. The cup size might shrinks if you had some fat around the breast tissue.
Got wisdom to pour?