These 30 Wholesome Things That Happened In 2020 Prove That Not Everything Is As Bad As It Seems

Published 4 years ago

Ah, 2020 – a single year that has brought more terrible things than most people expect to experience in their entire lifetimes. A global pandemic, forest fires, threats of WWIII, and now we even have mysterious monoliths popping up all over the place. And with all this craziness going on, it can be easy to miss all the positive things around us. But don’t worry – today we have a collection of wholesome posts that will prove you that not everything is as terrible as it may seem.

Check out some of the most wholesome things that happened in 2020 in the gallery below!

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#1 Be More Like Abdul

Image source: Steve Farmer

Back to work today, forgot my pass so locked bike outside Cannon Street station. Left work at 6 pm to find just the cut lock and no bike, resigned to never seeing my trusty stead again asked the station if they have cameras. A guy appeared waving at me, asked me to put the code into my cut lock. He replied ‘I have your bike’ with a smile I will never forget!! His name is Abdul Muneeb and he works for South Eastern Railways, he was on a break and saw a guy bolt cut the lock and challenged him to give it back, he then took it inside and waited 4 hours after his shift finished to personally make sure I got my bike back. The world needs more Abdul’s, he is a legend of a man and a credit to his employer.

#2 Child, Who Hit My Father’s Car, Had An Old Bike With Broken Brakes, So My Father Bought Him A New Bike. I Am So Proud Of My Father

Image source: hilkatapo

#3 What A Legend

Image source: cnn

#4 10 Years Of Work But It Was Worth It! I’m A Provider At The Same Place I Used To Clean

Image source: Jaines Andrades

#5 I’m So Happy For Her

Image source: arthopeally

#6 Never Too Late To Start Again

Image source: HarrisLondarel

#7 The Wooden Mast Had To Be Replaced By A Concrete Mast, But The Professionals Preserved The Tucano’s House

Image source: Neuton Fischer

#8 You Are Beautiful, Melissa

Image source: melissablake

#9 This Athlete, Marios Giannakou, Carried A Disabled Biology Student Named Eleftheria To The Top Of Mount Olympus, Her Dream

Image source: marios_giannakou

#10 It Has Been A Very Long Journey, But We Finally Got Forever

Image source: the__woman

#11 14-Year-Old Ridan Al-Mashouly From Sana’a, Yemen Regularly Feeds And Provides Food For A Homeless Special Needs Elderly Man From His Paycheck

Image source: snow.arwabawazir

Ridan works in a restaurant and hopes that he can make enough money to go back to school after temporarily dropping out.

#12 Sometimes You Need Some Bro You Don’t Know To Love You

Image source: King_DeandDe

#13 Perfect Gift

Image source: jennileigh

#14 This Dad Of The Year

Image source: CellyyCat

#15 Cleft Lip And Cleft Palate, Two Week Surgery

Image source: NOODLD

#16 This Legend Carries, Pulls And Pushes His Disabled Twin Around Ironmans And Marathons So They Can Compete Together

Image source: TeamTvilling

#17 Now That’s Wholesome

Image source: desmondtanko

#18 Rachel Has Been A Nanny For Curtis For Over A Year. When He Realized Her Senior Prom Was Cancelled, He Wanted To Throw One For Her

Image source: becky.h.chapman

Complete with her favorite foods, flowers, and dancing, Curtis (and his mom) pulled off the best socially distant prom ever. Thanks, Curtis & Elissa for making my girl smile

#19 Dorothy Anonymously Bakes Treats And Leaves Them For Our Apartment Community. She Was Recently Caught

Image source: Nika65

#20 So Many Cats

Image source: misanthropologa

#21 Ten Years Ago I Signed Up To Mentor An At-Risk Young Boy. Yesterday I Dropped Him Off At College

Image source: delugetheory

#22 Hopefully The Need Of These Kind Gestures Reduces To None

Image source: LoganChappell12

#23 Be The Change You Want To See In The World

Image source: Jeff Gravatt

A group of young kids caught me on my way into the store. Asked me if I wanted to make a bet. I replied “I’m a gambling man”. Older kid said he could ride a wheelie on his bike stop sign to stop sign. I said no way… and how much? He said 10 bucks. I said why 10? He said they wanted a large pizza at Dominos… I said deal. He came very close but couldn’t hold it his wheelie that long… While they were figuring out how to come up with 10 bucks, I had already ordered their pizza plus a 2 liter of Sprite. Made my night. Love seeing kids be kids.

#24 He’s A Keeper

Image source: AnaStanaBananaa

#25 My Dog Gets Really Anxious In The Car, So My Grandma Asked To Sit In The Back With Him. The Whole Car Ride All I Heard Was “It’s Okay, We’re Almost There Brave Boy”

Image source: bex_yeah

#26 So Incredibly Wholesome

Image source: ValeeGrrl

#27 My Mom Is A Nurse Practitioner And She Has Been On The Front Lines Of A Covid Unit Since March. She Just Got This Shirt. I Haven’t Seen Her Light Up Like That In Months

Image source: somenerdnamedtom

#28 In Japan, These Grandparents Didn’t Want Kids To Feel Lonely While Waiting For The Bus. So They Made A Life-Size Version Of Totoro, A Famous Cartoon Character, At The Bus Stop

Image source: vincenzo.acunzo.52

Now, the kids have a friend waiting there with them everyday.

#29 Made Me Smile

Image source: whoisjacey

#30 Homeless Man Leaves A Donation For Oregon Historical Society After They Got Vandalized During Riots

Image source:

“Since last night, we have seen new memberships and donations made online to support our work and the clean-up effort — but none have affected me as much as a gift from our neighbor, Oscar. In a note that accompanied a $1 donation, Oscar wrote: “Hello, I’m homeless so I don’t have much to give you, just some of my bottle collecting money. But I saw your windows got broken and wanted to help. You once gave me a free tour before the pandemic, so this is a thank you.” In my time as Executive Director, I have seen OHS receive truly incredible gifts — but this one has touched my heart tremendously.”

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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