25 Things People Heard On Dates That Made Them Run

Published 6 months ago

Dating can be a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with excitement, nerves, and the hope of finding a meaningful connection. But sometimes, things take a turn for the worse when a date says something that leaves you stunned, confused, or just plain horrified. Recently, someone on Reddit posed the question: “What’s the worst thing a guy or girl said to you on a date?”

The responses were as varied as they were cringe-worthy, revealing just how awkward and uncomfortable the world of dating can be. Here are some of the most shocking, funny, and downright terrible things people have heard on dates.

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Image source: mustbethedragon, Joice Borges

Nothing. He literally said nothing. I was freshly divorced, he was an older friend of a friend. Our mutual friend talked him up and set up a blind date for us at a dinner party.

He didn’t say a word, just grinned and stared at me. I’m an introvert myself, so I can appreciate being laconic. I tried everything to get him to say something. How old are you kids? Grin. How long have you been divorced? Grin.

I felt bad for the guy, but a little creeped out, too.


Image source: McFluffy96, Sam Lion

I cooked dinner (spaghetti carbonara) she proceeded to talk to her friend during their dinner about their upcoming court date.
After the dinner she proceeded to down a bottle of vodka, she passed out 40 min later so i carried her to the bedroom, put her in bed, filled a glass with water and let her sleep.
Called a mate and we went out partying, came back 05 in the morning, she woke up and asked where i had been, told her i was in the room next door, she then asked if we could start drinking again which i answered no too. She then said that she saw i had a bottle of whiskey down stairs but i just said that she should not be drinking anymore, we argued for 30 min and then went to bed, we fell asleep and i drove her home the next morning. She said we should meet again and that i was the nicest guy she had met…. Blocked her on all social media and continued to live my life.


Image source: goober_d00ber, Yaroslav Shuraev

“I only shower once a week”

Completely unprovoked a few minutes into the date. She had a noticeable odor.


Image source: _mr_taco_, Natalie Bond

Asked which girl he should go on a next date with. Even showed pics of different girls and asked my opinion on them. And had the audacity to text me some time later when I was already in a relationship. Bro doesn’t know what game he is playing.


Image source: anon, Uriel Mont

Met a man in Thailand when I was there on vacation when I was 19.

As I’m going to take a picture of the view at the place we’re at he just walked up to me from behind and shoved his hand down my underwear.

I go “what the f**k?” and grab his hand and yank it away.

He says “I had to make sure you don’t have a d**k”.

I punched him in the face and left.

F*****g idiot.


Image source: thedrywitch, Budgeron Bach

After a very nice date with a man who seemed to be a nice guy, I didn’t feel the spark and something felt off. I wasn’t going to lead him on, and I’d never ghost anyone. When we were outside my apartment, I told him he was great, but I wasn’t interested in a second date.

I’ve never seen the kind of rage that instantly spread across his face as he screamed at me, “GOOD! BECAUSE I DONT DATE FAT UGLY B****ES LIKE YOU, ANYWAY! YOU F*****G C**T!” And then kept ranting, none of which I heard because I was running my a*s up to the entrance of my building and was never so grateful for key card entry and door men.

Dodged a f*****g missile there.


Image source: stripedjade, cottonbro studio

This was a tinder date and he found out i was 1/2 asian and he said well i only like the half of you that’s white. GIRL WHAT.


Image source: Vaganhope_UAE

“I have a boyfriend” after inviting me on a date, rubbing my leg, sitting in my lap and hugging me, whispering in my ear after which I tried to kiss her and she pulled away saying she had a boyfriend. I am still confused until this day.


Image source: guerrero2, Anh Nguyen

She came from a foreign country and said:

‚You should date someone from your own country to keep your population clean.‘

We were sitting at a park at that time, I straight up stood up and walked away.


Image source: Kooky_Transition9624, Katerina Holmes

Went on a first date with a coworker’s daughter (she encouraged the arrangement), we went to dinner, everything is going good when I go to drop her off she asks me to come inside so i oblige. We are chillin on her bed and talking about life and somehow she brings up that if her ex baby daddy (who had just dumped her and moved to another state leaving her with a 5 month old to fend for themselves) came back asking for a second chance she would give it to him. She said this with a serious straight faced expression. And that’s not the worst part I went on to date her for over a month after that and it was the most mentally damaging relationship I’ve ever been in. Boys when the crazy slips out on the first date, RUN and don’t look back.


Image source: Alone-Reality-6277, cottonbro studio

She told me she liked “free expensive food”… I told her she had the intelligence of a corn flake and the personality of a cardboard box.


Image source: weshallbekind, RDNE Stock project

“You know, I don’t usually think fat girls are pretty, but you look great!”

This, importantly, was NOT said to me by the person I was *on a date with*.

This was said to me by a random 80 year old man who decided to INTERRUPT MY DATE.


Image source: TheEpiczzz, Enes Karahasan

Not what she said, but what I said.

We were on a date in the city and walking around while it was really cold outside. We sat down somewhere to take some rest and just chat up and it became quite awkward. Both felt the ‘spark’ but were to afraid to take a step. So her step was telling me she was cold so I would come in and put my arm over her.

Welll, what did I do? I just said I was cold too and just sat there being all awkward not even moving an inch towards her. Just arms down, chilling without saying a word, being cold as fk.

Apparently it worked because we’ve been together for 8.5 years and engaged now, but well… it was one of the most awkward things I’ve ever done I think.


Image source: fulife2669, Ketut Subiyanto

You’re pretty – for a DARK SKINNED CHICK.


Image source: funes_the_mem0rius, Luis Poletti

After leaving a pub where we were getting a round of drinks, we strolled past a Tiffany’s jewelry store. She stopped us and gestured to the expensive window items and said, “If this is going to be a thing,” implying her and I as a couple, “then THIS is gonna be a thing,” nodding towards the window.

I laughed it off. She didn’t.

No second date transpired.


Image source: Medium-Wear-7586, x )

He kissed me twice, passionately . Then he told me he wasn’t really that attracted to me . I asked him why he kissed me, and he said the moon, your eyes, it was beautiful , I said what, but you’re not really attracted me? He said no, like only 40% attracted to you. I said f**k off and walked away.


Image source: veg_head_86, Lina Kivaka

That I looked like I ate a lot of cheese.


Image source: madara1890, cottonbro studio

Wasn’t me, but my brother had an interest in “the weird girl” of his class.

He went on exactly one date with her to which she ended the night saying “you would make a handsome corpse.”

The plot twist? She is my wife’s cousin, and this happened before we got together.


Image source: anon, ELEVATE

I had a guy tell me on our first Valentine’s day together that if the best relationship he had was with his ex and if she ever wised up he’d go back to her.


Image source: lcf-xo, Emily Ranquist

After telling him I did a physics degree: “Are you, like, autistic or something?”

Probably not the worst thing, but definitely the thing that left me a bit speechless.


Image source: FlyOnAWindshield_, Edward Eyer

A guy I was seeing started crying after being intimate and I panicked and asked ‘Omg what’s wrong? Are you ok?’.

He responded ‘It’s nothing, I just…I’m just so disappointed that you aren’t a little tiny blonde or Latina, that’s all’ (Then proceeded to tap my hand).

I was absolutely crushed. Ends up he had narcissistic personality disorder and said it deliberately to hurt me as he knew I was incredibly self conscious at the time of how I looked.


Image source: cheesykilter

Met on dating site. Drive a bit to meet up with her. As we walk to the restaurant, she runs into a dude she knows and chats him up. No introduction or anything as I stand there awkwardly. Not a huge deal, we only just met in person. She closes out conversation with dude saying “Let’s hook up later after I’m done with this” I am pretty noped-out at this point but figure I drove all this way and I am hungry. She then turns to me with a big smile on her face, after dude is a bit away, and says “whew I have been trying to get with him for a while.” Dinner was whatever. I get a text from her a while (days) later asking why she hadn’t heard from me, “I thought we hit it off.” Bless her heart.


First date had been relatively normal, but while driving back to her place she hits me with this completely out of nowhere;

“I personally think we should just kill anyone over the age of 65, as their life is basically over at that point anyways.”

When I voiced my disagreement with that (ridiculous) sentiment, she said that I “wasn’t allowed to have an opinion” on the topic because she worked in health care and I didn’t.

Needless to say, I dropped her off and never spoke to her again.

Image source: TheAnchorman24, Priscilla Du Preez ??


Image source: anon, Tim Samuel

As soon as I stepped out of the car she said: “oh, too short” and started laughing. This was in the beginning of the date too lol.


Image source: The-golden-god678, Eduardo Soares

Let me see your bank account. .

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

Got wisdom to pour?



awkward dates, date, Dating, relationships, weird dates, worst dates