Photographer Hesitates To Let A Mother In Right Before Closing, But Seeing Her Daughter Changes His Mind

Published 7 years ago

We all hate working overtime. Especially when the whole day has gone smoothly, everything has been done 3 minutes before closing and all we have to do is wait ’till we can lock the door… and lo and behold – a customer walks in, a phone rings, an email comes in, buzzing. We frown, we groan, we don’t even bother with a smile, we just wait ’till it’s all over and done with so we could leave.

But this scenario might lead a person to a completely different outcome than just a missed bus, wasted time, and a grumpy face. The story of a photographer, a mother, and her sick child posted on the true story website Not Always Right proves just that.

Take a look at the illustrated episode below to find out how a kind heart and an open mind can lead a person to a change they never expected to happen. Just don’t forget to grab some tissues with you – it’s a tearjerker.

(h/t boredpanda)

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The emotional story really touched people’s hearts


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comics, girl, kindness, photographer, positve story, princess, story, true story, Unicorns
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