Couple Decide To Start Losing Weight Together And They’re Unrecognizable After Just 18 Months

Published 7 years ago

When reaching for your goal, no matter what it is, having enough support and encouragement is extremely important. Lexi and Danny Reed, a couple from Terre Haute, Indiana, had each other’s backs when they decided to start losing weight together and now, 24 months and almost 400 lost pounds later, they’re still motivating each other to continue working.

After getting married in October 2015, the couple was challenged to complete a 30-day-long commitment of eating only home-cooked meals with no cheat days, no alcohol or soda, and working out 5 times a week for 30 minutes. “We took the challenge, completed it 100%” Lexi states proudly on her instagram, which now motivates thousands of people to have enough courage to start their own journey toward better health.

After 30 days the couple noticed a positive change in their lifestyle that encouraged them to continue on their journey. Before they started losing weight, Lexi weighed 485lbs while Danny was at 280lbs. After 18 months, with no meal plan, surgery, or personal trainers the couple was down 370lbs, yet they didn’t stop there – they are both carrying on. By now they’re incredibly close to hitting 400lbs of combined lost weight and they feel better than ever.

Scroll down to see the amazing results for yourself.

More info: Instagram (h/t)

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“Get comfortable with being uncomfortable & always push yourself to step out of your comfort zone!”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

That’s the philosophy of Lexi Reed from Terre Haute, Indiana

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

She and her husband Danny used to weigh over 700lbs until they decided to get into shape

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

They made a New Year’s resolution in 2016 and since then they’ve lost over 400lbs together!

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“We didn’t have a meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, but what we did have was each other”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

The couple, who wed in 2015, used to eat a total of around 8000 calories per day

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

They gave up junk food and started cooking meals at home

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

They also began hitting the gym 5-6 times per week and also doing Zumba classes

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

In just 12 months they lost half of their body weight!

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“You don’t have to live this way for the rest of your life Lexi,” she told herself

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“You are in charge of your future so go in that gym and show every single person that stares or doubts you what you’re made of”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“Prove them wrong & lets do this once and for all”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“Are you going to just keep talking about losing the weight or are you just going to do it? No more excuses. No more fear”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“This man has been by my side for the last 10 years and treated me no different at 485lbs than he does at 182lbs,” she said of her husband

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“He never saw me as my size, asked me to change, or made me feel as anything other than beautiful”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“Love doesn’t have a size or weight limit”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup

“Surround yourself with those who lift you higher and see the greatness in you even when you don’t see it”

Image credits: fatgirlfedup


This is your daily reminder that you're good enough and you're beautiful. Make sure to gift your smile to the world a little more often and continue spreading the word of positivity.

Got wisdom to pour?



danny reed, exercise, fitness, getting fit, lexi and danny reed, lexi reed, losing weight, weight loss