20 Hilarious Tweets That Sum Up The Holiday Season Of Parents

Published 3 years ago

Christmas can be a stressful time for parents. Maintaining traditions, playing games, and fooling your child about stories of Santa Claus and “Elf on the Shelf” is harder than you can imagine. Sometimes, for parents, the holiday season also serves as a good bonding time with children.

If you have children, you might relate to these parents who shared their experiences by tweeting them. Scroll below to see some of the most relatable and funny things parents are sharing this holiday season.

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Image source: xo_laaaay


Image source: dawnalana2


Image source: HenpeckedHal


Image source: simoncholland


Image source: TheAlexNevil


Image source: gfishandnuggets


Image source: yenniwhite


Image source: momtransparent1


Image source: Social_Mime


Image source: XplodingUnicorn


Image source: XplodingUnicorn


Image source: mom_tho


Image source: dadmann_walking


Image source: HenpeckedHal


Image source: ParentNormal


Image source: Lhlodder


Image source: sarcasticmommy4


Image source: MamaFizzles


Image source: PaigeKellerman



Image source: KarenReneK

Saumya Ratan

Saumya is an explorer of all things beautiful, quirky, and heartwarming. With her knack for art, design, photography, fun trivia, and internet humor, she takes you on a journey through the lighter side of pop culture.

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christmas tweets, funny, funny christmas tweets, funny tweets, hilarious tweets, parenting tweets