25 Funny Tweets From Parents Who Couldn’t Get The Kids To Do Their Chores
Embarking on the challenging journey of getting kids to do chores is a universal parenting saga, and the Twitterverse has become a treasure trove of laughter for those who’ve tried and, often, failed hilariously. Parenting tweets documenting the struggles of convincing kids to tackle household tasks provide a delightful peek into the world of household negotiations.
From negotiating with pint-sized negotiators to witnessing creative attempts at chore evasion, these tweets capture the essence of parenthood with a humorous twist. Whether it’s the classic “I forgot” excuse or the ingenious strategies kids employ to escape their responsibilities, these tweets serve as a relatable and comedic reminder that the battle of chores is a shared experience among parents around the globe. So, sit back, chuckle, and nod knowingly at the comical tales of parents attempting to wrangle their little helpers into domestic duty.
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Image source: KatieDeal99
Image source: thebabylady7
Image source: XplodingUnicorn
Image source: Six_Pack_Mom
Image source: LetMeStart
Image source: XplodingUnicorn
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Image source: simoncholland
Image source: ParentNormal
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Image source: courtneyellis
Image source: XplodingUnicorn
Image source: BunAndLeggings
Image source: bekindofwitty
Image source: SvnSxty
Image source: thedad
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Image source: JewelStaite
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Image source: TessaDare
Image source: KillerMartinis
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