Homeless Couple That Has Been Together For 24 Years Gets A Surprise Makeover And Wedding

Published 3 years ago

Rosalyn Ferrer and Rommel Basco are a homeless Filipino couple in their 50s who have been together for the past 24 years. Sadly, despite being together all those years and having six children together, the couple wasn’t officially married, as the ceremony is simply too expensive for them. However, it all changed earlier last month.

Richard Strandz, a man who owns a hair salon not far from where Rosalyn and Rommel reside, noticed the couple, and decided to not only give both of them a makeover, but also helped organize a wedding for the two! Meet the couple and see their adorable wedding photoshoot in the gallery below!

More info: Instagram | Facebook

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Rosalyn and Rommel are a homeless Filipino couple in their 50s

Image credits: rab4love

The two live in the Pampanga province of the Philippines and have been together for 24 years

Image credits: rab4love

The two live in a cramped shack and have six children together

Image credits: rab4love

Sadly, despite being together all these years, the couple aren’t married as the wedding ceremony is simply too expensive for them

Image credits: rab4love

However, recently one man helped change their lives

Image credits: rab4love

Richard Strandz, a man who owns a hair salon not far from the couple’s place, heard their story and decided to help

Image credits: rab4love

The man decided to give Rosalyn and Rommel a makeover, and organized them a wedding with the help of some friends!

Image credits: rab4love

When Richard surprised the couple with his idea, they were absolutely delighted

Image credits: rab4love

Check out the beautiful pictures from Rosalyn and Rommel’s wedding photoshoot below!

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Image credits: rab4love

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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good news, homeless couple, homeless makeover, Rommel Basco, Rosalyn Ferrer, The Philippines, wedding