30 Unique Types Of Succulents You’ve Probably Never Heard Of Before

Published 4 years ago

If you’re anything like me, every houseplant you ever tried to grow most likely ended up drying out and wilting. Did you water it too often? Not often enough? Did it get enough sunlight or too little? I guess it’s just one of those nature’s mysteries we’re not meant to find out. Lucky for you and me, however, there are plants that even us couldn’t kill – I’m talking about succulents, of course. They’re cool-looking, relatively easy to take care of and there are hundreds of different kinds to choose from. Check out a collection of some of the most interesting ones in the gallery below!

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#1 Clear Succulent Plant

Image source: littleleafgarden

#2 Rose Succulents

Image source: Weibo

#3 Bunny Succulents

Image source: seedscactus

#4 Lithops

Image source: special_plants_world

#5 Unusual Succulent

#6 Trachyandra

#7 Albuca

Image source: special_plants_world

#8 Succulent

#9 Conophytum Bilobum

Image source: plantvalley.shop

#10 Echeveria

Image source: special_plants_world

#11 Stapelia

Image source: special_plants_world

#12 Euphorbia

#13 Pageae

Image source: special_plants_world

#14 Aztekium

Image source: special_plants_world

#15 Mermaid Tail Succulent

Image source: special_plants_world

#16 Kalanchoe

Image source: special_plants_world

#17 Boophone Haemanthoides

Image source: special_plants_world

#18 Dolphin Succulents

Image source: kao77neko

#19 Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Succulent

Image source: welcomet0nature

#20 Stringofpearls

Image source: special_plants_world

#21 Unusual Succulent

Image source: yoart2

#22 Lithops

Image source: special_plants_world

#23 Orbea Variegata (Starfish Plant)

#24 Gentiana Urnula

#25 Bowiea Volubulis

Image source: elizabethsheaperry

#26 Stapelia

Image source: special_plants_world

#27 Unusual Succulent

Image source: bloomingoodsucculents

#28 Klubrostok

Image source: special_plants_world

#29 Aeonium

Image source: special_plants_world

#30 Crassula Umbella

Image source: ajjicactus

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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