35 Mildly Infuriating Things That People Are Annoyed With, As Shared On This Twitter Page
Life is full of little annoyances that, while not earth-shattering, can still manage to get under your skin. From the incessant drip of a leaky faucet to that one sock that mysteriously disappears in the laundry, these “mildly infuriating” moments are universal experiences that we can all relate to.
Recently, people from all over the world have taken to sharing their own tales of mild frustration on social media, and the results are both hilarious and strangely cathartic. Below, we’ve compiled some of these exasperating anecdotes that will make you nod your head in empathetic annoyance.
#1 What’s The Point Of Making An Appointment To See A Doctor But Still Waiting 1 Hour Later
Image source: beyondtabu
SourQueen : “I found out that many doctors have multiple patients come in with the same appointment time.”
Verfin22 : “Scheduling every 15 minutes is absurd to fully help the patient. When it’s already late, I feel rushed to have my visit even if nothing new to report. US healthcare sucks.”
#2 This Is 4 Plates, The Rest Is “Preferences” And A Few Allergies. Wow
Image source: KarenTheManagah
Daya Meyer : “Just. Eat. At. Home.”
Bored Templar “Just give them water… and make sure it is filtered”
#3 When Pencil Erasers Are Just For Decoration
Image source: bpopbpo
Chihuahua Mama : “I mean they do get rid of mistakes. You just have to keep “erasing” until you have a hole in your paper and Ta Da mistake is gone!”
#4 Poison Ivy Between My Fingers. I’m Considering Amputation At This Point
Image source: margaritari4
StumblingThroughLife : “Wow! We in the UK only have to deal with nettles (which are bad enough). Thankfully, Mother Nature always makes sure Dock Leaves are nearby.”
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “My parents had sex in the bushes while camping. There are other places that are worse.”
#5 My Zara Basic T-Shirt After One Wash
Image source: bladderbloodgore
Debbie : “Still looks like something Zara would sell.”
#6 Does Anyone Else Find A Wet Sleeve Infuriating? It Constantly Reminds You Of Its Presence
Image source: brammerslovesyou
Jon Steensen : “Yep, especially when it happens when you try to wash something that is placed above you shoulder level and the water runs from the brush and down your arm and soaks the entire sleave.”
#7 This
Image source: HeyItsEzPz
Jeremy James : “I’ve had this happen. To fix it, I pull the drawstring out entirely and tie a paperclip to one end. Then I gradually work the paperclip end through by bunching and squeezing until it comes out the other side.”
afia kooma : “When I said I couldnt wait to be a grown up, fixing these myself was what I was thinking about.”
#8 I Tried To Take A Banana Off The Bunch And Opened Up The 3 Others
Image source: corybomb
Rocky Horror Panda : “I always take my bananas apart before they get overripe. Stops this from happening.”
LokisLilButterknife : “It’s a sign from the baking gods that you were destined to make banana bread!”
#9 Was Suspicious Of My “5 Lb” Plate Set
Image source: AtticusAesop
Mayra : “You’re such a weight watcher”
#10 This Glove I Put On At Work Before Going Into Surgery Had Dozens Of Pin-Prick Holes In The Fingers. The Entire Box Was Like This
Image source: TheLumpyMailMan
Sleepy Panda : “At least it wasn’t a condom!”
#11 Plastic Packaging. Every Single Time
Image source: EnterGreenGoose
Daniel G : “I thought I’m opening those the wrong way.Am I?”
everett : “how to make me mad in 1 easy step”
AxolotlViolet (they/them) : “Me: Grabs a knife and stabs it”
#12 When Foil Does This
Image source: Tristanio97
Sand Ers : “Could be worse. I’ve had plastic stretch wrap do that.”
#13 My Roof Has Been Shot With An Arrow
Image source: On_Mercury
Chihuahua Mama : “What century do you live in?”
#14 How My Girlfriend Gets To Sleep vs. How I Get To Sleep With The New Foster Dog
Image source: NoSexAppealNeil
Libstak : “Fun starts when doggo has his favourite dream of running after the mail man and them back legs start twitching.”
#15 Left-Handed People Know The Pain
Image source: Breadfungus74
Karma Black : “When I was younger, I’d pretend that I was turning into a robot whenever this happened.”
#16 This Loaf Of Bread From Walmart Doesn’t Have Any Bread In It
Image source: ericthebookguy
Caroline Kimber : “Let it go proper stale and then use it as a post box.”
#17 When The Material Gets Stuck In The Zipper
Image source: Ethantburg
Agfox : “When something that’s permanently attached to you gets stuck in the zipper – but that’s probably more than ‘mildly infuriating'”
#18 Guess How Old My Son Is
Image source: orthros
RIRI : “12356789 years old?”
Errrm..wot? : “Buy the nine then and cut the top off and straighten the curve. Voilá”
#19 After Eating Two Of These Blueberry Waffles, I Went To Heat Up Two More And Saw That The Package Was For Plain Waffles. I Ate Mold
Image source: RandyBoBandy
Chihuahua Mama : “Didn’t the “blueberries” taste a little off?”
#20 When This Happens
Image source: cakt
Ace : “Ow. I feel it.”
Cat Chat : “Sometimes I don’t know which is worse. The physical pain this causes, or the fact that now one nail doesn’t match the rest. 🤷♀️”
#21 This
Image source: Carneiro91
Pernille. : “This is so annoying, along with getting your sleeve caught on door handles”
#22 I Reached For This Fry Like Three Times. It’s Printed On The Paper. Thanks, Whataburger
Image source: xlejxndro19
Alexia : “Hahaaa, it happened to me. A friend brough me a fridge magnet that looks like a very realistic chocolate candy. Reached for it several times, then remembered it can’t be eaten :)))”
#23 My Bank’s Support Bot (Mandatory Before Being In Contact With A Real Human)
Image source: Whackatoe
Andy C : “Is it me you’re looking for?”
#24 When Your Sock Falls Into Your Shoe
Image source: smokyrabbit14
Moë : “Grr…the pain is real”
#25 Ring Pull Broke. Then The Can Opener Broke
Image source: ninjamunkey
ADHORTATOR : “this can is cursed…must have some kind of demon in it”
#26 The Amount Of Bread We Throw Away Sometimes At A Supermarket
Image source: EnAyJay
Gandalf the Pink : “It looks like one of those pictures the police will post after they raided some druglord”
#27 Wake Up At 7 AM, Head To Class In The Freezing Rain, Just To See “Class Is Canceled” Written On The Whiteboard And The Door Locked. No Email Or Anything First
Image source: Firecracker7413
Auntriarch : “That’s not mildly annoying, that’s bloody annoying”
#28 When This Stuff Happens
Image source: reddit.com
BoredPossum : “Hate it”
and_a_touch_of_the_’tism : “And you try to chew it off, only to leave a tiny little stub that catches on everything…”
#29 Was Going On A Family Cruise Trip. Flight Got Delayed From 4:30 To 6:50. Flight Got Delayed From 6:50 To 9. Flight Got Delayed From 9 To 11:30. Flight Got Canceled
Image source: K00bik
Now we missed the cruise and waited at the airport for 7 hours for nothing.
#30 Why Does My Shoe’s Tongue Keep Doing This?
Image source: jaobodam
#31 God Hit Up For A Tip On The Self-Checkout Kiosk. Who Am I Tipping, Myself?
Image source: EggfooVA
#32 Microsoft Won’t Accept My First Name
Image source: OldUnderstanding5516
#33 My Dishwasher In My New Apartment Only Opens This Far Before Hitting The Oven
Image source: artysgirl
#34 Bought New Dinner Plates, Guess You Need To Always Read The Back First
Image source: OfficialUniverseZero
#35 Couldn’t See Right Out Of My Contact And My Eye Was Irritated All Day. Came Home And It Turns Out There Was A Tiny Hole In The Middle Of It
Image source: madilmao
Got wisdom to pour?