25 Unusual Baby Names That Made People Wonder, “What Were The Parents Thinking?”

Published 2 weeks ago

It’s annoying when you have the same name as someone else. It can lead to confusion and mayhem, especially when ordering at Starbucks. But when parents try to get creative with their kids’ names it can lead to even more disasters like questionable contenders; Corona, Covid, Urethra and Hashtag. Though these unusual options don’t seem like appropriate baby names, they were the actual choices of some parents. They are so awful they even make us doubt the parents’ intelligence or even whether they like their child because it truly sounds like a lifetime of torture for the innocent little tyke that has to bear the weight of such an unusual moniker.

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Image source: Jokes, Humour & Funny stories, Wavebreak Media

My mother was substituting teaching in a high school. When she called the roll, she stumbled on one name and said, “I know this name is wrong on the roll, so help me Ms. Jones, please say your name for me. She said it just as it was on the roll, “Urethra”. I hope her parents were aiming at Aretha, like in Franklin, and just missed a little. Either way, parents should get the name right and not harness their kids with a horrible name for life. Ooooops.


Image source: iusereddittoomuch000, sacyks

Twins were called Corona and Covid.

Btw this was actually true.


Someone in my parents’ neighborhood did Korrona and Kovid.


Image source: Sorry_Masterpiece, Walls.io

True story:

I’m in a Target, in the bath section, I think I was looking for like a shower curtain or something. From the a couple aisles over I hear this woman call her kid. I freeze, do a doubletake, assume I MUST have misheard. There’s NO GODDAMNED WAY SHE NAMED HER KID THAT.

I head over that way as I got what I came for and it’s in the direction of the registers. Woman calls her kid again. I DID hear it correctly.

Her daughter’s name was, and I s**t reddit not, Hashtag.

I’m not a violent person but part of me wanted to put that woman into the towel display.


Image source: JustAnoutherGeek, EyeEm

I used to work for a company making yearbooks. One year we found the kids of the Sheets family. 2 girls named Silk, and Satin, and a boy named Cotton.

These kinds of names make me wonder why parents hate their children.


Image source: LameLock0611, Ksenia Chernaya

It used to be Nevaeh, until I realized there was a Jizzabel at the elementary. Not Jezebel, JIZZabel. I wept.


Image source: Lucia, ufabizphoto

I know this woman. She’s in her early 20s, maybe 22–23. Her name is Ballgown. I am not joking. Her parents named her “Ballgown”. She quite hates her name, but does not want the cost of changing it. She has thought about nicknames, but being called “Ball” could have associations with beach balls, tennis balls or s*x. And “Gown” isn’t that great either. So people call her Ballgown.
And guess what poor Ballgown’s brother is named. Inflato. WHY WOULD YOU NAME A CHILD “INFLATO”? I lose respect for parents once I start thinking “wow, that name is hilarious”. Just don’t name a child crazy things. It will make the child’s life a lot harder.


Image source: Mathew HeathVanHorn, freepik

Mother: “Her name is See-ann.”
Me: “What an interesting name. How do you spell that?”
Mother: replied, “ S E A N”
Me: “Isn’t that Sean?”
Mother: “AUUUUGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! Why do people keep saying that!? So many ignorant people in this world!!!!!!”

And she storms off in a huff.


Image source: lachietheboss68, Getty Images

Nevaeh, WE KNOW ITS HEAVEN BACKWARDS ASWELL! you don’t have to mention it every time.


Image source: PM_ME_PlZZA, Kelly Sikkema

I know a girl named Felony.


Image source: Leah Carr, prostooleh

One time, I was in a shop. There was a mum there with identical twin daughters, both about aged 7. They were both dressed exactly the same. Not a tradition I’m particularly fond of personally, but fair enough – it isn’t uncommon for that to be the case with young identical twins.

Anyway, the girls were clearly overexcited, running about while the mum was exhausted. But then, the mum called “Megan and Megan, get here NOW.”

I thought she was only calling one twin over.

But both girls came back. So I thought, “Oh they must have similar names like Megan and Morgan, and I misheard.”

One of the twins saw something on the shelf and ran over to it. The mum called out:

“No, we’re not having that. Put it down. NOW, Megan 1.”

“Was she going to start counting down “1, 2, 3” to lead to a punishment?” was obviously my next thought.

But then the girls started arguing about something, and we heard the mum retort: “For God’s sake, Megan 2. Leave Megan 1 alone.”

These twin sisters not only looked the same and dressed the same…they had the same name, differentiated by numbers like the Bananas in Pyjamas.


Image source: Fronz_Jr, Pixabay

Met some kids named Cain and Abel. Like seriously, if you want to flex your religion on everyone it is uneccessary. Then I realized “Oh wait, Cain killed Abel”. I was quite confused. Why would you name your kids after someone who killed the other? WHY?


Image source: kiddhulkk, Getty Images

Stuff like Precious, Chanel or Diamond.


Image source: Jokes, Humour & Funny stories, romeo22

Crystal Chanda Lear. Her father may have thought he was being clever, but did it ever occur to him what his daughter was going to experience? Chastity Bono is another, and Moon Unit Zappa. I knew a lady who whose family had named her “Pixie”. By the time she was in high school she was was six-foot-three and the topic of constant ‘humor’.

I think the custom among some indigenous American cultures worked better. A child had a ‘baby name’ until they came of age to be considered an adult, and then took or were given an appropriate adult name. I think it’s cruel and unfair to stick an infant with having to live their lives with an unsuitable name.


Image source: https://qr.ae/pYwGZM, Katerina Holmes

A child in my son’s preschool had a name that the teacher couldn’t figure out. The name was La-a. The parent got impatient with the teacher and told her that “the dash ain’t silent”.

Pronunciation was Ladasha. I wonder if that girl changed her name when she turned 18.


Image source: latenighticedcoffee, javier trueba

A place I worked at had a student named MLE. as in “Emily”.


Image source: gucci_eyelash, Ron Lach

I haven’t lost respect but I’m just confused: X Æ A-12

Like what was the point??? I read somewhere that their baby was allowed to choose their gender, but really? There are plenty of gender-neutral names out there, you don’t need to use the Windows Start-Up sound to name the kid.


Image source: Sherrie Schouten, Thirdman

I worked at an elementary school for 24 years and heard lot of unusual names but the worst was “Chaos”. At first, upon seeing this name in writing, I thought perhaps it was pronounced differently and when I questioned the mother how they said it, she said, “Just like it’s spelled”. I lost all respect for her and the child’s father.

When “Chaos” arrived in kindergarten, he proved true to his name. He ended up requiring a paraeducator to attend to his behavior the entire day and essentially ruined the learning environment for all the students in the classroom.

Clearly the child wasn’t “Chaos” when he entered the world but became such as a result of what his parents expected or wanted due to naming him with complete disregard for his future.


Image source: Jokes, Humour & Funny stories, freepik

Met a young couple with an adorable little girl.

I held her for a few minutes and asked what her name was.

They replied “Grendel.”

I said that she was going to be a real man-eater when she grew up.

They didn’t know what I was talking about.

I told them to Google or Wiki the name ‘Grendel.’

I would have paid a lot to be there when they did that … !


Image source: Greg, RDNE Stock project

As a teacher, I regularly see names that make me cringe, though not necessarily ready to commit violence.

I once had a girl named Bo-peep. Her sister Bambi was in my class the following year.

I had a boy named Elohim (Hebrew for God) one year, and his brother Adonai (also Hebrew for God) the next — I was so glad that there was not a third brother, since Jehovah was the next logical name choice.

I had a girl whose first name was Rice — and her middle name was Aroni. Yes, like the side dish known as the “San Francisco treat”.

Another young lady was Summer, which sounded great — until I saw her middle name was Eve. Yep, like the disposable feminine hygiene products.

One girl was named Marriott — born 9 months to the day after her parents’ wedding because “that’s where she was made.” (A direct quote from her dad.)

Yep — there are names…


Image source: CitrusBeetle, zinkevych

I used to work in recruitment and saw a cv with the name Goodness and Mercy on it. That was her full name. I had to call her up like “is this Goodness and Mercy?”.


Image source: Aquarius12347, Kevin Woblick

Khaleesi. Or any other name from whatever tv show / movie is popular at the time they’re born. By the time they’re ten, 99% of the time that name will be all but meaningless to most people, except as a ‘remember that thing that nobody cares about any more?’ sort of reminder.


Image source: Plazomicin, Marcin Jozwiak

Sanitiser. Parents have actually named the child like that.


Image source: Jokes, Humour & Funny stories, freepik

Some years ago a friend of mine who is a doctor was in the maternity ward and overheard a mother and her friend discussing baby names. The mother said she heard a beautiful name while she was there in the hospital and she was going to name her baby this name. The name she overheard was Guana Rhea. Not a joke it’s a true story. …


Image source: Kelsey Whiteman, bicher282

When I was around 6 or 7…my dad took me to the doctors. It was a normal day like any other, but I noticed a girl sitting across from me. She looked about my age and had the biggest smile on her face. I then heard the nurse call her name… Precious… Butts? Yes… that was her name. Precious Butts. I was so shocked when I heard that and I tried so hard not to laugh. A couple years later, my dad and I went to Home Depot to pick up paint and who were we checked out by… none other than Princess, Precious Butts’s SISTER, It was great lol


Image source: Jokes, Humour & Funny stories , freepik

My first year working in a school. My job was to help ECE teacher register their children. As she read the name of the children. If they weren’t crying they sat on the rug.

As I had a mass of children crying around me. She left her assistant reading to the children on the rug. It was then our job to decipher the cryers names.

It to us awhile. But we were down to 3 kids. We asked them numerous times what their names were. But neither answered. I told the teacher to read the names. But it was only one name.

She asked the girls which one was K 8. Puzzled I asked “K8?” She showed it to me. Astonished I told the letter and number went together. The girl’s name was K8, Kate. Her parents named her K8.

When the parents picked up the kids from school I waited at the door. I had to find out what parent would name their daughter with something so closely related to K9.

The mother explained that in her family the first granddaughter was named Kate. She wanted her daughter to have it uniquely written. I told her that her daughter would be teased as she progressed in school. As the school psychologist I worried about this.

After 2nd grade her husband had his wife legally change her name. It was not Kate. The girl wanted to be named Tiffanie.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



baby, baby names, fails, names, parenting