This Guy Shared A Classical Art Book From His Christian College And It’s Ridiculously Censored

Published 5 years ago

The Pensacola Christian College is a liberal arts college located in Pensacola, Florida. And even though it’s a liberal arts college, one former student proved that it’s pretty far from liberal by sharing a ridiculously censored classical art book.

Art history sounds like a pretty important thing every art student should know but clearly, someone at the college thought otherwise. Imgur user scopecreepstudio shared pictures of a book called “Looking at paintings” available at the college’s library and everything even slightly suggestive was censored using black marker.


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Image credits: scopecreepstudio

“Oh, you wanted to draw inspiration from some works of famous Renaissance painters? Well, tough luck, we hope the Cupid wearing black boxers is enough of an inspiration for you,” probably what the person “censoring” the book was thinking.

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

At this point, we’re wondering why not censor the male nipples or even cut out the pictures altogether.

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Someone clearly went all out when with the censorship – so much, in fact, that all that this book is good for now is teaching you how to draw biblical figures in black boxers. Perhaps it could be an art style of its own?

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Sadly, all jokes aside, for anyone actually trying to learn anything about art, this book is beyond useless.

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

The college says their goal is not only to “train young men and women in higher education for a life of service to Jesus Christ” but also to “promote the cause of Christ by providing a distinctively Christian-traditional, liberal arts education that develops students spiritually, intellectually, morally, culturally, and socially.” Clearly, their goals do not include actually teaching about the shape of a human body – one of the most important things every artist should know.

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Even though it’s up to the college to censor as much as they wish, this might be a little overkill.

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

Image credits: scopecreepstudio

They even censored Mona Lisa’s cleavage!

Scopecreepstudio shared what it was like to study in the college

And many users were stunned

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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art, censorship, christian, christian college, classical art, fine art, Mona Lisa, pensacola, religious, textbook