Photographer Captures 35 Touching Images Of Childhood From Around The Globe
In the realm of photography, the ability to tell a story transcends language barriers, offering viewers a glimpse into the diverse tapestry of human experiences. Italian photographer Massimo Bietti has masterfully achieved this by embarking on a captivating visual journey, capturing the essence of childhood in various corners of the world. Through his lens, Bietti unveils the universal language of joy, innocence, and resilience that defines the formative years of children across cultures. Check out some of his remarkable shots in the gallery below. More info: Instagram
#1 Malaysia
Image source: maxxetto
Multa Nocte : “What a smile!”
#2 Papua New Guinea
Image source: maxxetto
g90814 : “Looks like dress-up day for them. I hope they had fun.”
Multa Nocte : “What wise looking children!”
#3 Russia
Image source: maxxetto
Paul Pienkowski : “Cute lil plushie wolf”
Tx jac : “Love the rosy cheeks and nose”
#4 Malaysia
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “Love at first scratch.”
#5 India
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “What kind of bird is using her for a nest?”
In_the_gorge : “Pure joy :)”
#6 Vanuatu
Image source: maxxetto
Paul Pienkowski : “Pupper!!!!!!”
#7 India
Image source: maxxetto
Shannon Kathleen : “Old soul”
#8 India
Image source: maxxetto
Phoenix🇬🇧 : “I love the outdoor bed thing. I’m actually wondering if I could make something like that.”
#9 India
Image source: maxxetto
Phoenix🇬🇧 : “Love the colours.”
#10 Ethiopia
Image source: maxxetto
Jacky Newman : “Wow, what a stunning picture!”
#11 Peru
Image source: maxxetto
Multa Nocte : “This is so beautiful!”
#12 Sri Lanka
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “Reminds me of having a full skirt, and spinning until I about fell over, just to see it fly.”
#13 Peru
Image source: maxxetto
In_the_gorge : “Look at them! Little loves!”
#14 India
Image source: maxxetto
Emilia : “Beautiful”
#15 Nepal
Image source: maxxetto
Mrs.C : “Peek a boo”
#16 Vietnam
Image source: maxxetto
Paul Pienkowski : “It looks like they’re poor in this photo. Then you see the children smiling and blowing bubbles. They’re probably happier than most billionaires.”
Eric Williams : “Sunbeam on the pots…who needs tv.”
#17 Russia
Image source: maxxetto
Annabelle : “If you like this picture, these YouTube clips are amazing. https://m.youtube.com/@patrushevs_stories”
In_the_gorge : “Some of these kiddos are strong and wise, beyond their years.”
#18 Nepal
Image source: maxxetto
In_the_gorge : “I got your nose!”
#19 Peru
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “My brother ALWAYS got to hold the new kitten in the official new kitten picture. When I was five, I told my mom it wasn’t fair. She said, “You know, you’re right. Go get the kitten.” She stopped what she was doing and took several pictures of just me and the kitten.”
#20 Peru
Image source: maxxetto
Janina Prado : “What fun! I can hear their giggles.”
#21 India
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “This child looks sad. I know brides are supposed to look sad for wedding photos, but is this a thing? I just want to give the kid a kitten and tell her it’ll be ok.”
Manjula Sridhar : “She isnt a bride. Just some kid in normal ethnic dress for that region.”
Mrs. Joe V : “She looks like a troubled soul- her eyes are scared and sad”
#22 Cambodia
Image source: maxxetto
Stella Andrews : “Precious!!”
#23 Malaysia
Image source: maxxetto
SentiMental Soul : “Long day”
#24 Papua New Guinea
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “Someone looks over the whole picture thing. That child has beautiful eyes, even if they’re bored.”
Paul Pienkowski : “They look like “omg hurry up with the photos I wanna go play!””
#25 Ethiopia
Image source: maxxetto
Strawberry Pizza : “She should be a model!”
#26 Solomon Islands
Image source: maxxetto
Multa Nocte : “Stunning picture!”
#27 India
Image source: maxxetto
Multa Nocte : “What beauty!”
Marjorie Macrae : “Stunning, the lighting makes this photo.”
#28 Nepal
Image source: maxxetto
In_the_gorge : “Yep. I can relate to this in a few ways.”
#29 India
Image source: maxxetto
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”
#30 Japan
Image source: maxxetto
Ash : “You came to the wrong neighborhood, kid.”
#31 India
Image source: maxxetto
#32 Papua New Guinea
Image source: maxxetto
#33 India
Image source: maxxetto
#34 Papua New Guinea
Image source: maxxetto
#35 Vanuatu
Image source: maxxetto
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